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IELTS Writing Samples

IELTS essay samples (writing task 2), report and letter samples (writing task 1) with Band Scores, marked by IELTS teachers, including comments and suggestions on how to increase your score

IELTS Essay, topic: Some believe that modern technology is increasing the gap between the rich and poor, while others disagree (discuss)

Some believe that modern technology is increasing the gap between rich and poor people, while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

There is no doubt that modern technology is reshaping our planet and affecting every aspect of human lives. From a social perspective, many people argue that the gap between the upper class and lower classes is widening as a result of technological advancements. Others, however, believe the opposite.

There are several reasons why one could think that the wealth inequality is, indeed, increasing. The most common reason is automation. Driven by technology, automation reduces the need for manual labour. As a result, less work opportunities are available for unskilled people. With each iteration of the cycle the competition increases and wages decrease. , technology has increased the minimum level of needs that should be satisfied. Nowadays, everybody should have a mobile phone and an internet connection, including the poor. This increases the monetary burden on them as they must borrow to cover these new needs.

However, I firmly believe that the aforementioned opinion is ludicrous. The most obvious reason is that modern technology has facilitated the road to riches in an unprecedented manner. For instance, many of the internet billionaires are from lower and middle classes. Moreover, the major leaps in agricultural technologies magnified food production. As a result, food has become more affordable and available. Finally, leveraging technology has dramatically increased workers’ productivity. Consequently, compensations and salaries have increased.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that technology could possibly narrow the difference between social classes. Increased food production, opportunities and productivity are just few examples of technology’s contribution to bridging the wealth gap.

This essay adequately covers all parts of the task. The ideas expressed in this written response are relevant, well-developed, ordered in a logical way and supported. The paragraphing is suitable and cohesion is maintained throughout the essay. A good range of vocabulary and the writer’s fluency are evident. There are no spelling errors and very few mistakes in word choice and grammar, most sentences are error-free. The essay is likely to get Band 8 in IELTS.

Click here to see more IELTS essays of Band 8

‘the’ isn’t needed here
‘Secondly’ isn’t a good word choice because there is no ‘Firstly’, a better choice would be ‘Also’, or ‘In addition’
‘have’ is the correct verb form

IELTS Letter, topic: Invite a friend to your new house

You have recently moved to a different house/apartment. Write a letter to an English speaking friend. In your letter:

– Explain why you have moved
– Describe the new house/apartment
– Invite him/her to pay you a visit.

Dear Amber,

I hope this letter finds you and your family all well. I’m writing to tell you that I’ve just moved to a new apartment.

As you know, my old apartment needed to be renovated, but the landlord refused several times to allocate money for . Also, quite small for my family to live in as it one bedroom only. At present, I have 2 children, who need 2 more bedrooms, a study room, and a wider area to play in.

My new apartment consists of 3 bedrooms, a comfortable living room, and a wonderful terrace, where my children can play safely. I’ve a suitable study room, where I can work in a quiet environment. All the interior, the paint on the walls and ceramic floors are a marvelous condition, so no more maintenance is needed.

It’d be a great idea with your family next weekend to see it. Let’s spend some exciting moments together and enjoy watching new movies in the living room. and let me know as soon as you can.

Please pass on my best wishes to your family.

All the best,


All the requirements of the task were covered well. The bullet points were all sufficiently addressed. The ideas were presented in a logical order and all aspects of cohesion were taken care of well. The paragraphing was handled suitably and appropriately. Some more advanced vocabulary was used in a clever way, with only occasional errors or inaccuracies in word choice. Most sentences are error-free. Overall, seems worthy of Band 8.

Click here to see more IELTS letters of band 8

using ‘this purpose’ here will help you avoid repetitive use of ‘renovation’ and ‘renovated’
it was becoming
for you to come
‘Why don’t you think of it’ would sound more polite