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IELTS Writing Samples

IELTS essay samples (writing task 2), report and letter samples (writing task 1) with Band Scores, marked by IELTS teachers, including comments and suggestions on how to increase your score

IELTS essay, topic: Changing drivers age limits is the best way to reduce traffic accidents (from Target Band 7 book)

This essay was written on a topic from “Target Band 7” book (page 54, reprinted with permission).

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

The best way to reduce traffic accidents is to raise the age limit for younger drivers and to lower the age limit for elderly ones. Do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include examples from your experience.

Write at least 250 words

In today’s world the number of traffic accidents is constantly rising as well as the number of injuries and deaths they cause. A better regulative approach is required traffic accidents can be reduced. Some people say that changing the drivers’ age limits is the best solution to the problem. However, there are other, more practical ways to deal with this problem.

One alternative is imposing heavier fines the drivers who exceed the permitted alcohol consumption. According to recent , a great proportion of traffic accidents has alcohol as its reason. Utilising technology and installing devices that detect drunk drivers and lock car ignition can be used to keep people with track record of drunk driving off the roads. On some occasions and for repeat offenders in particular, a prison sentence may also be considered.

Furthermore, people should be better educated and more careful while behind the wheel. To be more specific, people should learn to obey road rules and respect the other drivers instead of causing tension or submitting to road rage. In addition, heavy fines should also be levied for exceeded speed limits. Last but not least, safer and wider roads should be constructed to make for easier and more comfortable driving.

Tightening age limits for drivers can be a complementary approach. For example, the elderly with vision problems or other important health issues should be excluded from driving. Besides, young people under 18 years old are considered immature to drive. However, maturity does not necessarily always increases with one’s age, which is why other measures are needed dangerous driving.

In conclusion, I believe that stronger measures should be implemented for the prevention of traffic accidents, and drivers should have a more responsible attitude. Setting age limits could be helpful but should not be considered the optimal and only solution to the problem.

The writer’s position is clear throughout the essay. There is a logical organisation of information and effective use of paragraphing. The range of vocabulary is wide enough for the student to show flexibility and accuracy of expression. Overall, the control of grammar and punctuation is good, with only a few errors made. The essay is up to the mark and is likely to get Band 8 in IELTS.

Click here to see more IELTS essays of Band 8

‘so that’ is the right connective to use here
‘on’ is the right preposition here
‘data’ is the correct plural form, or you can use ‘reports’ or ‘statistics’
‘to reduce’ is the correct verb form here

IELTS Report, topic: Double bar graph describing water usage by industries (from Target Band 7 book)

This report was written on a topic from “Target Band 7” book (page 42, reprinted with permission).

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task

The graph below shows the annual water usage (in millions of cubic metres) by industries in Somecountry.

Write a report for a university tutor describing the information shown.

Write at least 150 words

Double bar graph describing water usage by industries from Target Band 7 book

The bar graph gives information about the amount of water used by several industrial sectors in Somecountry. The figures are measured in millions of cubic meters. Overall, the amount of ground water usage was considerably larger than the amount of water public supply.

It is clearly seen that the chemical sector used the greatest amounts of both ground water and that from public supply source, at 430 and 240 million cubic litres, respectively. The water usage by metal industry accounted for the second largest, with ground water at 240, and public supply at 90. Food and drinks sector also a relatively significant amount of public supply water (190 million cubic litres), which was larger than its amount of ground water usage by 80 million.

Turning to the sectors that used considerably smaller amounts of water, 190 million from ground water and 20 from public supply were consumed by the paper industry. Machinery sector used 100 from public and only 10 from ground water. The opposite trend was shown by both fuel and textile industries, that used an insignificant amount of public supply water (just 10 million cubic litres), yet their ground water consumption was 70 and 80 million cubic litres, respectively.

This report fully describes the annual usage of water by industries. The information is well structured by its organisation into paragraphs. Most noticeable trends are described and features are pointed out. Complex structures are used as well as wide range of vocabulary. The occasional errors in word choice don’t affect communication. Overall, this report seems worthy of Band 8.

Click here to see more IELTS reports of band 8

‘from’ is the right preposition to use here
‘consumed’ is a better word to use here