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IELTS Writing Samples

IELTS essay samples (writing task 2), report and letter samples (writing task 1) with Band Scores, marked by IELTS teachers, including comments and suggestions on how to increase your score

IELTS essay, topic: Should employers pay more attention to personal qualities rather than qualifications?

While recruiting a new employee, the employer should pay more attention to their personal qualities, rather than qualifications and experience. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and include relevant examples.

Recent decades have witnessed a burgeoning growth of numerous industries; therefore, recruiting the right person for the position is crucial to the development of enterprises. But how do we determine if a person is the best fit? Advocates of conventional recruitment methods opine that this candidate must have sufficient experience and qualifications needed for that job. Nevertheless, some people argue that candidates’ personal qualities cannot be ignored. In my view, both components are of equal importance.

To begin with, the conventional approach of checking potential workers’ qualifications via their resumes, LinkedIn profiles, issued qualifications and certifications from authorised organisations is vital. Apparently, whenever we submit a job application, we are always required to attach a CV while a cover letter is optional. Without a decent qualification, even if that candidate’s personal characteristics are suitable, the enterprise will need to carry out lots of skill trainings eventually.

On the other hand, occasionally during an interview some HR officers ignore the significance of assessing how candidates’ individual qualities can fit in the company. Employers should assess not only candidates’ qualifications but also their enabling skills, ethics and value propositions. The more an employee’s personal qualities fit in a company’s culture and values, the more he or she is motivated to contribute to that company’s vision. KPMG is a great example of evaluating candidates’ personal qualifications and skills by utilising a game-based assessment process, followed by a video interview. This methodology enables a comprehensive assessment, and is embraced by many companies nowadays.

To summarise, employers should assess both personal characteristics and formal qualifications when recruiting people as each of these elements has its own vital contribution to make in talent-seeking enterprises.

This response covers the topic well. The writer’s position is clearly expressed and supported by an example, the use of paragraphing makes this essay organised and easy to follow. Linking words are used appropriately. The use of complex sentences and advanced vocabulary is impressive. Overall, this essay is likely to score Band 8 in IELTS.

Click here to see more IELTS essays of Band 8

IELTS essay, topic: Some people use the Internet to search for solutions to their medical problems, is this a positive or negative development?

Some people use the Internet to search for solutions to their medical problems. Is it a positive or negative development? Give your own opinion and examples from your experience.

At present, the Internet plays a vital role in almost every aspect of human life. As a result, individuals are searching online reasonable solutions to their illnesses. Not everyone is convinced that access to such information online is safe and helpful. However, in my view, providing the general public with access to trustworthy information about medical disorders would invariably improve the quality of the medical care for the whole society.

Nowadays, even though there are plenty of online platforms developed for medical education, most of the sites have not been written by professional healthcare providers. Hence, there is a high possibility of spreading wrong medical information throughout the world, unless the site developers are held accountable for the content they provide. If patients receive incorrect information about a medical procedure and follow the wrong advice, for instance, to remove a wart at home, it might lead to a serious infection, excessive bleeding or another medical emergency. That would constitute a negative effect of using online knowledge for medical treatments at home rather than visiting a professional.

On the flip side, the Internet, the society is well aware of most common medical disorders and preventive measures. Consequently, a reasonable and prudent individual can decide whether to get professional opinion on one’s disease or to handle it at home, that they get reliable online medical information. Moreover, if patients can manage mild medical problems themselves, it would certainly reduce the workload at the local hospitals, freeing more doctors for patients in real need. Besides, if patients come with a certain extent of knowledge about their condition to the medical consultation, it would invariably be helpful to the medical practitioner for effective decision making.

To sum up, it is evident that online search for information on medical disorders can be a positive development as long as the general public receives trustworthy information.

This response addresses the topic well. The writer’s position is clearly explained and supported, the information is organised in paragraphs in an easy to follow way, and use of linking words is appropriate. A range of complex sentence forms is used and there are very few errors in word choice or word formation (underlined in blue). Overall, this essay is likely to score Band 8 in IELTS.

Click here to see more IELTS essays of Band 8

‘for’ is a more suitable preposition to use with “searching”
that have been
‘owing to’ is the right expression to use here