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IELTS Test Results competition

Here’s what helped Ruying get IELTS Band 8.5

Band 8 in IELTSRuying is a lovely young lady from Singapore, who got Overall Band 8.5 in IELTS (with a straight 9 in Reading!) and won the first place in our monthly IELTS results competition. In her winner’s interview Ruying shared the following, very practical and quite easy to implement, tips that helped her get this amazing score:

Reading test

Out of the entire IELTS exam, I feel like the reading test was the easiest to score well in. How I went about it was speed-reading all the passages, and then quickly answering the questions I was 100% sure of. I would advise not to spend too much time on questions you’re unsure about, as this not only wastes time, but also slows you down a lot. Go back to questions you were unsure about later and always always check your work to make sure you didn’t misread any questions or miss anything out! And also, I spent more time on the final passages as they’re usually trickier than the ones at the start.

Listening test

I’m lucky to be surrounded by English speakers, so listening was never much of an issue for me. I would advise to just tune in to BBC Radio, and watch the daily news casts. Listening and getting used to the British/American/Australian accent may take a bit of time, but if you do this daily for over a month, you’ll start realising that it’s not that hard to catch on to, if you try! Oh, and because they only play the recordings once, I would recommend to pay FULL ATTENTION to it, and not try to read/check previous answers or do anything else. During my exam I made the mistake of rewriting one of my previous answers while the recording was going on, and missed out one answer. If this happens, just make an educated guess and hope for the best!

Writing test

I would say this is the hardest part of the exam, but if you go in prepared, it shouldn’t be a problem. To prepare for the Writing test, I would recommend familiarising yourself with the answer structure for all the different question types. Know what is required and make sure you understand how and what you must write in order to achieve your desired band. The band indicators are online for anyone to see, so I practised essays based on those indicators. Also, reading model essays helps a lot. There are quite a few good model essays you can read online, and YouTube videos highlighting good vocabulary to use in your essays!

Speaking test

This could be the hardest or the easiest component in the entire exam, depending on your strengths and weaknesses. I went into this segment of the exam very confidently, however scored the lowest out of all the segments. This is because I think I may have gone slightly off topic, and because I paused during the cue card talk part. I recommend sticking closely to the question and to make sure you keep talking during the entire 2 minutes allocated to the cue card talk, to avoid losing points. The easiest way to improve speaking is to watch a lot of television (I’m not joking) and reading books. This widens your vocabulary, increases things to talk about and familiarises you with how the language is used. If you don’t feel like watching the news, you could watch shows that interest you, such as documentaries or even English dramas! As long as they’re in English, it’ll really help you a lot with your pronunciation. You can also google topics to talk about, record yourself and play them back to hear how you sound!

IELTS Results competition winners in March 2016

What a great feeling it is to finally reveal the 14 winners who received the best IELTS results in March. “Diversity” seems to be the best way to describe this group of high achievers, because they come from all over the world: Azerbaijan, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan and Zimbabwe. The one thing they have in common? Every single IELTS score is Band 7.5 or higher!

And the winners are:

Academic Module – 1st placeBand 9 in IELTS

  • Ruying Kang from Singapore, Band 8.5

Academic Module – 2nd place

  • Anjas Karuniawan from Indonesia, Band 8
  • Sanjul Muralidhar from India, Band 8
  • Bekhruz Fatilloev from Uzbekistan, Band 8

Academic Module – 3rd place

  • Mihirani Devika Mkumarasinghe from Sri Lanka, Band 7.5
  • Leyla Khaspoladova from Azerbaijan, Band 7.5
  • Abiola Odeyinka from Nigeria, Band 7.5

General Training Module – 1st place

  • Roger Joseph George from India, Band 8.5
  • Quintin Munengami from Zimbabwe, Band 8.5
  • Jennifer Ravi from India, Band 8.5

General Training Module – 2nd place

  • Nikhil Pujar from India, Band 8

General Training Module – 3rd place

  • Shehani Karunanayake from Sri lanka, Band 7.5
  • Sanjeev Kumar Sablok from India, Band 7.5
  • Preetkamal Parmar from India, Band 7.5

Congratulations! We applaud the winners and send their certificates of achievement to their emails – let’s make this day a little bit special. The winning IELTS results will be displayed in the IELTS-Blog hall of fame – if you won, please feel free to show off to your family and friends!

We should really find out how these lovely people were able to score so well. Some of them are our students, so we know they used our books – Roger George ( Band 8.5 ) and Nikhil Pujar (Band 8) used “Ace the IELTS”, and Mihirani Mkumarasinghe and Leyla Khaspoladova (Band 7.5) used “Target Band 7”. But we definitely need to know more!

We hope to hear from the winners the stories of how they prepared and studied, and what helped them achieve success in IELTS. Anything they wish to share will be posted on IELTS-Blog without delay, so everyone can use the same technique and get a better score in their own exam this month.

P.S. IELTS results competition runs every month, and everyone is welcome to participate. Learn how to enroll here.