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IELTS Test Results competition

IELTS Results competition winners in August 2017

Today we’re happy to present the 8 high achievers who won in our IELTS Results competition in August. It feels so good to see these test takers being able to push through the IELTS barrier, and be now on their way to a better life!

Here are the proud owners of the best IELTS results in August:

Academic Module – 1st placeBand 9 in IELTS

  • Farrukh Shermatov from Uzbekistan, Band 8.5
  • Olaoluwa Halimat Abagun from Nigeria, Band 8.5
  • Kalaipriya Balasubramanian from India, Band 8.5

Academic Module – 2nd place

  • Saidivya Ravi from India, Band 7.5

Academic Module – 3rd place

  • Rydham Verma from India, Band 6.5

General Training Module – 1st place

  • Pushpendu Talukder from India, Band 8
  • Hanson Suh Fuh from Cameroon, Band 8
  • Tanisha Preet Kaur from India, Band 8

Dear winners, some serious congratulations are in order! To celebrate your big achievements we’re sending your special certificates to your emails. Your IELTS results will be displayed in the IELTS-Blog hall of fame – please feel free to show off to your family and friends!

So, what did our winners do to get these scores? Here is what we know so far: Hanson Fuh used these practice tests to lift his score from Band 6.5 to Band 8 (yes, you read that right!). Pushpendu Talukder prepared using our book ‘Ace the IELTS‘, he didn’t have much time but he read the tips and trained himself using the 10 practice tests we provide with the book, and it worked.

But what about the other winners? Surely they can share some practical tips that helped them, and can help others score higher. This is why we’re asking all the winners to send us their stories of how they prepared and studied, and what helped them achieve success in IELTS. Anything they wish to share will be posted on IELTS-Blog without delay, so everyone can use the same technique and get a better score in their own exam this month.

P.S. IELTS results competition runs every month, and everyone is welcome to participate. Learn how to enroll here.

Need IELTS Band 7? Here’s what Pedro did to get it:

Pedro Echenique is a young man from Mexico who speaks Spanish as a first language. We met Pedro through our monthly IELTS results competition in June. As you know, every winner can share his or her tips for success in IELTS, and here is what Pedro said:

Band 9 in IELTS“First of all, enjoy the language. If you enjoy learning English, then none of the English tests you are going to take is going to be hard. Secondly, it is really important to understand the format of IELTS. Therefore, you really need to know everything about it.

I used many tips from, however, for me the most useful were the following:

1. Reading: This section is one of the most tedious. There is no need to read precisely every detail of the reading passages, so my advice is to go directly to read the questions for each passage and then you search for the answers in the reading using the skills of Skimming and Scanning. Time is your main enemy, so use it wisely.

2. Listening: My main advice in Listening is “DON’T GET DISTRACTED”, this is something that happens a lot so avoid getting distracted. Usually between each part of the listening test they give some time to check your answers, my second advice is to “PREVIEW, do not REVIEW”. Use the time they give you to read the next set of questions, this can help you to focus and understand the listening even more.

3. Writing: This was the toughest part for me. If you don’t have time enough to study for the IELTS, I highly recommend you to focus on this part. This is the part where you can succeed using a wide range of grammar and vocabulary. It is really important to use connectors, less common words, paraphrasing, complex sentences, etc. so get used to them.

4. Speaking: For me this was the easiest part. If you speak English well, you don’t have to worry too much since you are asked some questions about your personal life and public interests. Don’t worry, get used to the IELTS format and, in particular, don’t get nervous.