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IELTS Test Results competition

Otabek got IELTS Band 7.5 by turning his weaknesses into strengths

Preparing for IELTS, especially when you study at home alone, can feel a bit daunting at times – and when that happens, you need some inspiration to keep working towards your goal. There is nothing more motivational than seeing another person with English as a second language, who achieved what you want to achieve – so say hi to Otabek Bobomurodov, a 19 year old from Uzbekistan who speaks Uzbek from birth.

Otabek got an IELTS Overall Band Score of 7.5 with an impressive Band 8.5 in Listening and Band 8 in Reading. As a winner in our monthly results competition he had a chance to share his tips with our readers, and here is what he said:

“The first thing I would advise all the candidates preparing for IELTS is to dedicate enough time for preparation. The more you practice, the better your knowledge will be. As for me, I used to work on my weaknesses until I turned them into my strengths.


Listen to complex conversations and news until English starts to feel like your mother tongue before beginning official IELTS practice.


Make reading your habit and try to catch the meaning of advanced articles. One extraordinary way to improve reading is to read articles and make up your own IELTS questions for your friend and exchange your papers. This is how we used to work in pairs.


Writing task demands creativity along with a lot of ideas. Try to prepare for 10 most common topics, learning topic vocabulary and specific ideas on them.


Try to speak to yourself for hours on any topic. Record your voice and listen. Keep recording until you like your own voice. Try to sound natural, not robotic. Sometimes be emotional, but not always.”

And this is the reward Otabek got for his hard work:

IELTS Band Score 7.5

Many thanks to Otabek for sharing his story with, and good luck with everything!

IELTS Results competition winners in July 2018

There is no better way to start the week than some inspiring news! Today we’re happy to announce the winners of IELTS Results competition in July. These 6 bright test takers have a very good reason to celebrate – the great IELTS score they are obviously proud of, and now we’re about to give them another reason to party, party, party!

Are you curious who they are?

Academic Module – 1st placeBand 8 in IELTS

  • Arthy Sagadevan from India, Band 8

Academic Module – 2nd place

  • Otabek Bobomurodov from Uzbekistan, Band 7.5

Academic Module – 3rd place

  • Tuan Anh Tran from Vietnam, Band 7

General Training Module – 1st place

  • Kanwarjit Singh Arora from India, Band 8

General Training Module – 2nd place

  • Sujata Matvankar from India, Band 7.5

General Training Module – 3rd place

  • Vinay Matvankar from India, Band 6

Congratulations to the winners! To mark this very special day we are sending your certificates of achievement to your emails. Your IELTS results will be displayed in the IELTS-Blog hall of fame – please feel free to show off to your family and friends!

I’m sure many of our readers are wondering how these lovely people were able to score so well. This is why we’re asking all the winners to share their stories of how they prepared and studied, and what helped them achieve success in IELTS. Their IELTS tips are posted on as soon as we get them, so everyone can use the same technique and get a better score in their own exam this month.

P.S. IELTS results competition runs every month, and everyone is welcome to participate. Learn how to enroll here.