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IELTS Test Results competition

Kirill’s Band 8 in IELTS exceeded his own expectations – here is how he did it

You may remember Kirill as a winner of 1st place in our August IELTS results competition. He got an Overall Band Score of 8.0, with a straight 9 in Reading, and it was more than he expected! When we approached Kirill for his tips to other test takers and insights into his preparation, here is what he said:

“I used various techniques which I have found online.

First of all, I was writing essays and letters as often as I could. 1-2 pieces of writing daily is perfect. I have used 16 writing corrections from to make sure I was good. I was getting 6.5 usually, but I have managed to get 7 in the exam.

Also, I was listening to podcasts every day for 1 hour while commuting to the office. I have not trained speaking at all, because I use English almost everyday at work.

As for reading I also read some books, but what I think is a great strategy is listening to an audio book while reading the same book. This practice will not only load information to the brain fast, but also will help you improve vocabulary along with pronunciation.

I have finished a monthly course of IELTS preparation also, it was 1.5 hour twice a week. Overall, I spent roughly 1-1.5 months to prepare. Also, my attitude for the exam was relaxed and I did not care about the result, I was perceiving it to be a test shot. I was not confident about my writing, but all my friends told me that I will handle it and I did, to my own big surprise!”

Best IELTS test result August 2018

IELTS Results competition winners in August 2018

When I say ‘What a beautiful day it is today’, I can be certain there are 13 people in the audience who will agree. What 13 people? The happy winners of IELTS Results competition in August, of course! Let’s congratulate them properly and give them a round of applause for all the hard work that got them the ultimate prize – their target IELTS score!

And the winners are:

Academic Module – 1st placeBand 8 in IELTS

  • Pournima Balasubramanian from India, Band 8
  • Rahul Anand from India, Band 8
  • Niels Schoubben from Belgium, Band 8

Academic Module – 2nd place

  • Tasneem Iqbal Patel from India, Band 7
  • Gurminderpal Gill from India, Band 7
  • Hellyben Trivedi from India, Band 7
  • Kirtanpriyadas Sadhu from India, Band 7

Academic Module – 3rd place

  • Thi Viet Ha Le from Vietnam, Band 6.5

General Training Module – 1st place

  • Kyrylo Gliebov from Ukraine, Band 8

General Training Module – 2nd place

  • Pooja Patel from India, Band 7.5
  • Ramesh Chaudhary from India, Band 7.5
  • Miggy Karimattam from India, Band 7.5

General Training Module – 3rd place

  • Shavindri Samarasekera from Sri Lanka, Band 7

Congratulations to the winners! To mark this very special day we are sending your certificates of achievement to your emails. Your IELTS results will be displayed in the IELTS-Blog hall of fame – please feel free to show off to your family and friends!

So, how did they do it? Hellyben (Band 7) was subscribed to our daily IELTS emails and found them helpful. Kirtanpriyadas studied by the book ‘Target Band 7‘ and used these practice tests to simulate the real exam. Kyrylo (Band 8) used our writing correction service. And of course we’d love to find out what others did. This is why we’re asking all the winners to share their stories of how they prepared and studied, and what helped them achieve success in IELTS. Their IELTS tips are posted on as soon as we get them, so everyone can use the same technique and get a better score in their own exam this month.

P.S. IELTS results competition runs every month, and everyone is welcome to participate. Learn how to enroll here.