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IELTS Test Results competition

High scorer with IELTS Band 9 in Reading and Speaking shares exam techniques

We never forget how generous our readers are, because times and times again they remind us what a wonderful bunch of people visit First they come here to study and ace their exams, and then they come back to help others!

Band 8.5 in IELTSToday we are sharing with you the tips from Ujjwal, a winner of our July round of IELTS results competition. Ujjwal is from India and his mother tongue is Bengali. His Overall IELTS score is 8.5 with two perfect 9’s for Reading and Speaking. Here is what Ujjwal recommends that you do to score high in IELTS.

Ujjwal said: “Thanks for the recognition. Please find my briefing on techniques and suggestions for scoring high in the IELTS.


This is a deceptively difficult part of IELTS. Thorough preparation is required in case you are not a very active listener. Over time, I learnt that a well thought strategy is required to master this part. My strategy was to practice in a test-like environment. I listened to audio recordings on a speaker and had a separate Question sheet and Answer sheet (I made printouts from online materials). Scanning the questions quickly and thoroughly is the key. I practiced this part a lot. A good week’s practice and a constant score near your target score should help you sail through.


For this part reading newspapers and articles daily can make a difference. Paying attention to each part of the text is key. It is important to remember answers are taken from the texts in the section, so underline the key word(s) while reading. Dedicated test practice is required for at least 2-3 weeks for a perfect score (I was fortunate to get one!)


This is by far the most dreaded part of the test, especially if you are not a scholar in English or a writer. The key is to practice over and over using some known topics. Getting your written responses evaluated, such as with the help of can go a long way. My confidence and scores got a permanent boost with practice and evaluations from experts. Practicing on the list of broader 5-6 topics such as health, money, environment, education along with relevant vocabulary is key to scoring high in the essay section. Practice regularly to keep the word count close to 180 and 280 for writing task 1 and writing task 2 respectively.


Having knowledge on a list of topics is a must for this section, however, what can make a difference to the score is your flow and overall delivery. Keeping it natural and friendly is key. Practice is required to open and conclude the responses. Long answers and higher speed of delivery can be detrimental. Just speak as you would to your colleague with the above points in mind and a desired score should be a cakewalk in this section. A point of caution, however, is it is subjective to an extent since it is evaluated by a human so practice is required to deliver your responses naturally, correctly and confidently.”

We would like to thank Ujjwal once again for these tips, and wish him lots of success in the new chapter of his life!

IELTS Results competition winners in July 2019

As Colin Powell once said, “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” Today we are about to announce the names of 11 people whose experience reinforces his message! Let’s take a moment to congratulate the winners of July 2019 IELTS results competition on doing so well in their exams:

Academic Module – 1st placeBand 8.5 in IELTS

  • Jay Parmar from India, Band 8

Academic Module – 2nd place

  • Sinan Ahmed from India, Band 7.5
  • Nishad Valappil from India, Band 7.5
  • Ishita Singla from India, Band 7.5
  • Sudhanshu Avasthi from India, Band 7.5

Academic Module – 3rd place

  • Nikhil Thomas from India, Band 7

General Training Module – 1st place

  • Ujjwal Kumar from India, Band 8.5

General Training Module – 2nd place

  • Mohammad Zohair Ali from India, Band 8
  • Suchinder Singh from India, Band 8
  • Sangeeta Variyani from India, Band 8

General Training Module – 3rd place

  • Avni Parmar from India, Band 7.5

Congratulations! To celebrate these wonderful achievements we are sending some special certificates to our winners’ emails. The winning IELTS results will be displayed in the IELTS-Blog hall of fame – if you won, please feel free to show off to your family and friends!

It is very natural to get inspired by successful people, and want to learn from them. If you were wondering how they studied, we hope to find out very soon! At the moment we know that Ujjwal Kumar (Band 8.5) used our writing correction service, Avni Parmar (Band 7.5) used these practice tests and Ishita Singla was subscribed to our daily IELTS tips.

But we have 8 more people who can contribute their IELTS advice! Anything they wish to share will be posted on IELTS-Blog without delay, so everyone can use the same technique and get a better score in their own exam this month.

P.S. IELTS results competition runs every month, and everyone is welcome to participate. Learn how to enroll here.