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IELTS Test Results competition

Waleed didn’t crack under pressure and scored Band 7.5 in IELTS, here is how

Some people suffer from exam anxiety more, others less, but everyone will agree that it’s not easy to keep your cool during a test. Waleed was no different – when he started his Listening test, he felt the pressure and consequently lost concentration for a moment, but he managed to recover. He scored IELTS Band 7.5 overall, with an 8.5 in Reading, and won in our IELTS results competition. In his winner’s interview Waleed shared some great tips, so have a read and hopefully do better in your own exam!

Waleed Band 7.5 in IELTSWaleed Tayyab Buttar said:

“My best advice would be to not panic at all. I have taken IELTS twice, 7 years apart, and achieved the exact same score. I believe the reason to this is the standardization of this testing service. You get exactly what you deserve. So, there is no need to be afraid of this test or panic.

I actually felt a bit under pressure and that is natural, but just don’t let it overcome your confidence. Be confident, because you are not going to learn English in one day, one week or even a month. Similarly, the prowess of English language you already possess, is not going to go away in a matter of weeks or so. Don’t go for hundreds of practice tests, it will probably not be very productive. Instead, it may be better to watch an English movie and get entertained at the same time as learning.

What I did was 4 practice tests of each module. It takes roughly one hour to get through one practice test and you should be done. I spent just 2 hours a day practicing, and 8 days were more than enough for me to do well in IELTS.

However, it is important to concentrate and put all your focus into the test when the actual test has been started. If you make a couple of mistakes, forget about them and make sure your focus is there on the next questions. It happened with me when my concentration was not there for a split second, and I lost a statement in the Listening section. I wasn’t happy with myself, I wanted to make up for it. In the Reading section which followed, I believe the reason I got a score of 8.5 was because my focus was on a level which I myself had never experienced before. The result surely reflected that.

Lastly, I would like to say, concentrate when the test in on. But while preparing, enjoy yourself, stay calm, relax, watch movies, talk and think in English and do whatever you feel like. It will all help I guess, on the test day.

Wish all of you the very best of luck,
Waleed Tayyab Buttar”

IELTS Results competition winners in March 2020

At times like this good news is especially important, and today we would like to congratulate 4 people and hopefully inspire many more!

As you would have guessed, we are about to announce the lucky owners of highest IELTS results in March. Let’s give a round of applause to…

Academic Module – 1st placeBand 9 in IELTS

  • Po-Jen Hsieh from Taiwan, Band 8
  • Amir Mostashari from Iran, Band 8

Academic Module – 2nd place

  • Aneesh Elamthuruthy Joshy from India, Band 7.5

General Training Module – 1st place

  • Rency K George from India, Band 7.5

Congratulations on your wonderful IELTS scores! To make this a day to remember we are sending your certificates of achievement to your emails. Winning IELTS results will be displayed in the IELTS-Blog hall of fame – so if you won, please feel free to show them off to your friends!

How did they score so well?

What we know so far is that Po-Jen Hsieh (IELTS Band 8) used our book ‘Target Band 7’ to prepare for the exam, and he also took our interactive Speaking test. Also, Aneesh and Rency (Band 7.5) used our writing correction service.

But we really hope to get some tips from the winners; we would love to hear how they prepared and studied, and what helped them achieve success in IELTS. Anything they wish to share will be posted on IELTS-Blog without delay, so everyone can use the same technique and get a better score in their own exam.

Remember, even if IELTS exams in your country may be suspended for now, soon they will resume testing and you want to be in a great shape to take IELTS as soon as possible. Now, while you’ve got time to study at home, it is more important than ever to do your best, and get your target score! We at are here to support you every step of the way, so if you need help, email us any time.

P.S. IELTS results competition runs every month, and everyone is welcome to participate. Learn how to enroll here.