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IELTS Test Results competition

Listening tips from IELTS high scorer (Band 8.0)

Some time ago Vasco Medeiros, our previous IELTS results competition winner, had sent me his best tips and methods he used in his preparation. In other words, these are the techniques responsible for his Band 8.0 in IELTS, and you, too, can benefit from them.

Today I am publishing the first portion of Vasco’s tips (the Listening part) and the other 3 parts (Reading, Writing and Speaking) will follow.

Vasco says:

“I am happy to share some thoughts and advice with those of you preparing for IELTS. By taking this exam you are investing in your future career/studies, which is why I want to personally congratulate you. You want to succeed and are willing to pay for it. And this exam will open many doors.

Please realize that your level of English is already good. It has to be. If you are reading this blog and understanding our tips then you already have some background knowledge of English that you can, therefore, develop further every day.

Listening tips

Remember: all the answers are given in the recording so concentration is the key. Stay focused! Don’t allow your attention to wander for even a second! Practice a lot with the CD’s / audio files included with your IELTS book.

After you have completed a listening section and answered the questions, you can listen to it again while reading the script, thus activating both your listening and visual senses simultaneously. Do this not only to check whether you’ve got those answers right (in the exam you only get to listen to the recording once), but to become further aware of the pronunciation and rhythm of spoken sentences, while looking at them printed. We learn best by activating many senses simultaneously (visual and auditory in this case).

Listening to audio books in English, or other high-quality audio recorded by native speakers also trains your listening skills. A good technique to develop concentration is to listen to a sentence or so and then hit the ‘pause’ button, then repeat aloud what the speaker just said. You don’t have to say exactly the same words, instead focus more on the meaning and pronunciation. Then progressively increase the amount of sentences you can listen to and repeat aloud. This is a great way to enhance your concentration that is vital for the Listening section in IELTS.”

IELTS Preparation tips from Charissa, Band 8.0 in Academic IELTS

Today I’d like to share some IELTS preparation tips from Charissa Maniti, one of our competition winners (Band 8 in Academic IELTS). Here is what she would like you to know:

“IELTS is one important key in opening doors for great opportunities around the globe. And anyone who is striving hard can achieve a satisfying score.

When I was reviewing for the exam, I have devoted much time to practice. I have searched for free online practice tests and answered within time restrictions. It is also a great idea to have a study buddy if one is available as it will increase motivation.

For the Listening part, I have downloaded some clips of English conversations to familiarize myself with different accents, watched a lot of English TV shows and films, and repeated as dialogues were delivered to practice my pronunciation.

For the Reading, I have read articles from different materials, especially those that don’t interest me. Because if articles don’t interest me, I have the tendency to focus more to be able to understand, and that is one great way of practicing!

For the Writing part, I have tried writing in a formal way about anything that could possibly be a topic for the actual exam. It is important to collect ideas about a given topic first, and only then decide which points you would like to discuss. I have learned that in forming a good essay, there should be at least 5 paragraphs.

Present each idea in one paragraph. Your fist paragraph should give idea of what you are to talk about. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th paragraphs should contain arguments of each idea you would like to present. And lastly, your 5th paragraph should show a summary of your whole idea. This is what I have learned from English teachers, and while it may not necessarily be followed by everyone, but for me, it worked!

For the Speaking, I have read aloud and recorded myself. Also, I have pretended that an examiner is in front of me and recorded myself as I answered sample questions I have obtained from IELTS-Blog and other IELTS sites. I have practiced speaking in an collaborative way whenever my study buddy and I spoke to each other.

Finally, I have tried to learn a new English word every single day. It is awesome to expand one’s vocabulary. Don’t forget to relax the day before your exam to have a refreshed mind.

Good luck to all future test takers! I’m glad i have came across Thank you!”