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IELTS preparation tips from winners

IELTS high achievers share their secrets

Student success: how Nandini raised her score to IELTS Band 8

Nandini is a young Indian lady, a native Bengali speaker. The IELTS score she needed was Band 7 Overall with 7 in each section, and even though Nandini managed to get more than Band 7 Overall twice, it still wasn’t enough. She had to get Band 7 for her speaking and writing and finally, in her third IELTS attempt Nandini reached the goal, and got more than she needed! Here is what she told us about her exam preparation:

Band 8 in IELTS“This was my 3rd attempt for IELTS. My requirement was an overall band 7 and 7 in each section. In all my attempts I got more than 7 overall, but my problem areas were speaking and writing.

I am deeply indebted to for my improvement in those two areas. My friend and I practised IELTS speaking topics posted by our kind friends on this blog for 40-45 min each day. Each of us practised one full speaking test every day. I believe there is no other alternative to practising in this section. One should not memorise the answers, but rather try to make each answer interesting to the examiner.

In regard to writing, I read all the band 8 and 9 essays on IELTS-Blog and also from other online sources.Though my requirement was 7, I never looked for band 7 essays, always looked for the best ones. I made a list of new words and phrases (not a big one) and tried to use it relevantly in my writing.Every day I tried to write at least one Task 1 and Task 2.

Last but not the least, I read ‘Target Band 7’ – which not only helped me strategically, it was a moral boost to me as well.

Finally, I would like to thank IELTS-Blog once again and wish all my friends preparing for IELTS best of luck.”

How Anna and Saleh raised their IELTS scores by 1 whole band

One of the reasons why you CAN raise your IELTS score in a relatively short time by 1 whole band is … because the score depends on HOW you prepare for the exam. Anna and Saleh, two of our competition winners in May, were able to increase their scores by changing their preparation. Here is what they told us:

Anna (from Latvia, a native Russian speaker)
Raised her reading score from 5.5 to 6.5.

Band 8 in IELTSAnna said: “I had more than a month for preparation. I needed to have 6.0 at least in Reading because last time I got 5.5 – which wasn’t enough for applying for a permanent resident status in Canada. All that really bothered me.

I went to the local library and took there 2 IELTS books for preparation. But I knew that IELTS requires specific strategy and that in February 2013 I just underestimated the difficulty of the Reading test. It wasn’t that easy, that’s why in February I got 5.5 in Reading.

I saw an ad about your site and the words “100% guarantee you will improve your score or your money back!” I thought that the author of this book must really have prepared a good material if she is ready to return people’s money! I didn’t need the money, I needed the result. So, after trying the books from the library I bought the book ‘Ace the IELTS’and just started to use this strategy while preparing myself with the help of 2 other library books. And I tried to read as much as I could – mostly newspapers.

I cannot believe that I’m the winner of the month now! Thank you very very much! You are doing a great job! That score in IELTS allowed me to send application forms for immigration to Canada. Thanks!”

Saleh (from Qatar, a native Arabic speaker)
Raised his Overall IELTS score from Band 7 to 8.

Saleh said: “I actually first took the test two months ago WITHOUT studying for it! Was is a smart decision? NO!!! Absolutely not. That’s why I scored 7 with only 6 in Reading. Did this mark reflect my true level? No.

Fortunately, I realized my fault and decided to educate myself with IELTS material before retaking the test. Sure enough, I received 8 overall. So, my advice for first-timers who might feel too confident to study for the IELTS and prefer the “lets try and see” approach is – PLEASE DON’T. Simply because it will cost you 3 things: time, money, and at least one band of your overall score. All the best luck.”