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Reading tips

How to prepare for the IELTS Reading test, tips and techniques to improve your skills and raise your score

STOP Doing This if You Want a Band 7 in IELTS Reading

STOP Doing This if You Want a Band 7 in IELTS Reading

Achieving a Band 7 or higher in the IELTS Reading test can be challenging, especially if you’re blindly relying on advice without knowing WHEN to use it. One common piece of advice that many test-takers follow is to underline keywords in the questions and scan the text for those exact words. If you’re aiming for a Band 7 or higher, you need to STOP following this advice. Here’s why.

IELTS Reading is More Than Just a Vocabulary Test

IELTS Reading is not just about recognising words; it’s about understanding how words and ideas are presented in different ways. The most challenging parts of the Reading test, such as Part 3 / Passage 3, often require a deeper level of comprehension.

The Problem with Keyword Scanning

When you’re tackling the harder texts, you might not find the exact keywords from the questions in the text. Instead, you’ll encounter synonyms. If you’re solely looking for exact keywords, you might miss the information entirely because those specific words just aren’t there.

For example, consider the question:

Question: Cheaper prices can be achieved with insurance salesmen through ____________.

If you were to scan the text for “cheaper prices” or “insurance salesmen,” you might not find those exact phrases. Instead, the text might say:

Text: “Most good brokers will be able to combine the various insurances that you feel your business needs. These will be tailored to businesses and will include things like monthly premiums. Don’t just buy the first one you find. Shop around and don’t be afraid to try negotiation with brokers – they want your business and will do you a deal that will save you money.”

In this case, “cheaper prices” is synonymous with “save you money,” and “insurance salesmen” are referred to as “brokers.”

Recognise Synonyms and Read in Detail

To succeed in the IELTS Reading test, you need to recognise the synonyms of the words from the questions and read the text in detail. This approach will help you find all the correct answers.

Key Strategies:

1. Identify the Right Paragraph: Look for the paragraph that is most likely to contain the answer.
2. Read in Detail: Once you find the right paragraph, read it carefully to understand the context and identify synonyms.
3. Be Aware of Synonyms: Understand that synonyms might be used in place of the exact keywords. For example, if the question mentions “cheaper prices,” the text might say “save you money.”

Example Analysis

Let’s break down the example provided earlier:

Question: Cheaper prices can be achieved with insurance salesmen through ____________.

Text: “Most good brokers will be able to combine the various insurances that you feel your business needs. These will be tailored to businesses and will include things like monthly premiums. Don’t just buy the first one you find. Shop around and don’t be afraid to try negotiation with brokers – they want your business and will do you a deal that will save you money.”


  • Cheaper prices: Synonym is “save you money.”
  • Insurance salesmen: Referred to as “brokers.”
  • Achieved through: The action to be taken is “negotiation.”

So, the answer to the question would be “negotiation”.

To Sum Up

To achieve a Band 7 or higher in the IELTS Reading test, you need to move beyond scanning for keywords and focus on understanding the text in detail. Recognise synonyms and comprehend the context to find the correct answers. By refining your approach and enhancing your vocabulary skills, you can significantly improve your performance and reach your desired band score.

How to Get IELTS Band 7 in 60 Days with Just 30 Minutes of Daily Study

How to Get IELTS Band 7 in 60 Days with Just 30 Minutes of Daily Study

Preparing for the IELTS and aiming for a Band 7 score is a challenge, especially when time is limited. Many students just think of it and give up – before they even started. Often people think they don’t have enough time to study and that IELTS preparation means you have to spend hours studying. However, my experience proved times and times again that, with a focused approach, it’s entirely possible to achieve IELTS Band 7 in just 60 days by dedicating only 30 minutes each day to your study.

So in this post I am going to give you a strategic plan to optimise your study time, specifically targeting the skills needed to secure a Band 7 in your IELTS exam.

Understanding the IELTS Band 7 Requirements

Before you start, it is really important to understand what IELTS Band 7 demands. This score reflects a good level of English proficiency, where you can handle complex language and understand detailed reasoning. Each section of the IELTS – Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking – requires specific strategies to hit this band score.

Go over your week and find 5 days where you can study for IELTS 30 minutes a day. Make a timetable for your study schedule. It can be something very simple – like this:
Monday, Tuesday: 19:00 – 19:30
Wednesday, Thursday: 20:00 – 20:30
Friday: 12:00 – 12:30

Your 60-Day IELTS Band 7 Study Plan

Week 1-2: Laying the Foundation

Initial Assessment: Start by taking a practice test to find out your current level. Focus on identifying areas where you need improvement to reach that IELTS Band 7. These are the areas where you didn’t give enough correct answers for a Band 7. Use this calculator to find out your current score.

Work on Individual Skills: Allocate dedicated days to practice 30 minutes a day for each IELTS skill (Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking). Use these resources tailored for IELTS Band 7:
1. IELTS Strategy book
2. Online practice tests
3. Downloadable and printable practice tests

Week 3-4: Intensive Skill Mastery

Reading and Listening: Alternate between reading and listening exercises. Aim to understand complex texts and audio materials, a crucial step for achieving IELTS Band 7.

Writing: Focus on essay writing but don’t neglect writing Task 1 reports / letters. Pay attention to structure, coherence, and advanced vocabulary – key elements for a Band 7 score.
Writing an essay initially takes longer than the 30-minute session you have planned, so break it down into two session. Use one session to plan your essay and think of ideas and vocabulary to use in it. Next day write your essay following the plan and using your notes from the day before.

Speaking: Practice speaking on a variety of topics. Record yourself to self-evaluate and improve.

Week 5-6: Mock Tests and Review

Full-Length Practice Tests: Simulate real exam conditions. This practice is vital for achieving IELTS Band 7, as it helps with time management and test endurance.

Doing a full mock test takes longer than 30 minutes, so break it down again into half-hour sessions. A full Listening test can be done in under 30 minutes. One Reading text should only take 20 minutes – use the extra 10 to check and analyse your answers. You will need 40 minutes for your essay, but only 20 for your writing task 1.

Focused Review: Analyse your answers in every skill. Understand what you need improve to meet the IELTS Band 7 criteria. Get feedback on your Writing and Speaking – in these skills you can’t rely on self-assessment alone.

Week 7-8: Final Preparations

Strategy Refinement: Work on test-taking strategies. For IELTS Band 7, it’s crucial to manage your time effectively and handle all question types confidently.

Confidence Building: Continue practicing all four skills, with an emphasis on building the confidence needed for the IELTS Band 7.

Longer sessions for full mock tests: You need to simulate the timed conditions of real IELTS to find out your level of readiness. These sessions will be 2.5 hours long – but you really need them to test whether you’re scoring Band 7 / 7.5 at home. This means you are ready for the real exam!

Bonus Tips for Securing IELTS Band 7

Regular Feedback: Seek feedback from teachers on your Writing and Speaking. Regular feedback is crucial to improve and achieve IELTS Band 7.

English Immersion: Watch movies in English, listen to the news, read books or news articles in English. This immersion will help you think and respond more naturally (like a native speaker), a key aspect of securing Band 7.

Health and Well-being: Remember, a healthy mind is just as important. Ensure you’re well-rested and relaxed as your exam approaches. Don’t drink alcohol the day before or on the day of your exam. Some students do it to calm the nerves, but it’s not a good idea because it dehydrates you and your mind won’t be as sharp and focused.

IELTS Band 7 Specific Resources: Take advantage of resources specifically
designed for achieving Band 7. This targeted preparation can make a real difference.

By following this structured 60-day plan and dedicating just 30 minutes a day, achieving an IELTS Band 7 is within your reach. Stay consistent, don’t skip sessions and trust the method. Start your journey towards IELTS Band 7 today!