Important announcement: the new, fourth editions of ‘Target Band 7’ and ‘Ace the IELTS’ are now available!
Hello everyone, this is Simone, and here is the news I couldn’t wait to give you: the new, fourth editions of my books ‘Ace the IELTS’ and ‘Target Band 7’ are finally out!
The new editions are now available on in digital format (e-book) and on Amazon in print. To have a look, download a free trial copy here.
The new releases took a while to put together, because my goal was to give them a makeover – so they got a new look, but more importantly, a lot of new content. All the material is in line with IELTS requirements in 2021 and now covers the computer-delivered IELTS as well as paper-based.
The computer-delivered IELTS has introduced new challenges for test takers, because many things that you can do on paper, you can’t do in the same way (or can’t do as easily) on a computer. Think, for example, about writing something quickly in the question booklet, or underlining keywords or sentences. It only takes a second on paper, is very intuitive and the result is highly visible, while on a computer you need to use a mouse to add a comment and then use the keyboard to type its content, and then all you see on the screen is just a little icon showing you where your comment is, but not its actual text. You can’t underline words in the computer-delivered IELTS – you can highlight the text instead. This is just a couple of examples; there are many more differences between the computer-delivered and paper-based IELTS that you should know about and be ready to deal with. People who are preparing for the paper-based test and taking the computer-delivered are likely to encounter some surprises – which in IELTS you really want to minimize. All the little things that affect your performance can make a real difference to your score, and it is important to use them to your advantage.
Despite the computer-delivered IELTS being promoted for quite some time, I am not aware of any other books that offer tips and guidance specific to the computer-delivered IELTS test. So, I am hoping you will find my books helpful, if computer-delivered is the test type you are taking. And of course ‘Ace the IELTS’ and ‘Target Band 7’ fully cover the paper-based IELTS – that makes them suitable for any type of IELTS. I would even suggest taking this one step further and reading about the differences between the paper-based and computer-delivered IELTS in my books first, before you make a decision on what test type to go for. That will help you choose the test type that is right for you!
To save you the information overload I am not going to list all the content changes in the fourth editions. The important thing is you are getting the most up-to-date books for your IELTS preparation that will maximize your score in the paper-based and computer-delivered test.
Be there first and take advantage of this special offer, and you will get more practice tests and other free bonuses with your books.
Have a great week, and good luck with your exam preparation!
P.S. If you already own a previous edition of ‘Ace the IELTS’ or ‘Target Band 7’, let me know via email and I will send you a free digital copy of the fourth edition. This is the least I can do for people who support my work!