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IELTS Speaking test in Australia – January 2012

Our friend A from Australia has shared his IELTS speaking questions:

Speaking test IELTS test in Australia


– What is your full name?
– What shall I call you?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or are you a student?
– What do you study in the university?
– Are there many students from your country studying this subject?

Cue Card

Describe a person that you know well. Please say

– Who is he/she?
– What do you like about him/her?
– Do you spend a lot of time together?


– Do you think an academic degree is necessary for success?
– What is necessary for a person to be successful?
– Do you think more people will get university education, in the future?

IELTS test in Australia – January 2012 (General Training)

The IELTS exam in Australia was shared by our kind friend L, who remembered almost everything, except for the Speaking:

Listening test IELTS test in Australia

Section 1. In a hostel, a man was outlining the facilities, rooms and things guests are responsible for.

Section 2. The origin of plastic, a paragraph on Bakelite, then about an exhibition of plastics.

Section 3. Two people discussing research for a project and how they will share the work.

Section 4. Don’t remember.

Reading test

Passage 1. An expert on tree houses, Peter Nelson was the main hero.
Questions: match people to paragraphs, who said what.

Passage 2. About employees’ tribunal in the airline industry.

Passage 3. About employees’ privacy at work.

Passage 4. Description of holiday parks.
Questions: matching the correct descriptions to paragraphs.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a letter)

Write a letter to a friend who is looking for a part time job. Describe a job you have found for him/her including:

– What are the duties?
– Why do you think it is a good job for him/her?
– What does he/she have to do to get it?

Writing Task 2 (an essay)

Why do criminal programs and films on TV have become so popular? What are the reasons for it and the effect on society? Use examples from your own experience and give reasons for your answer.