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IELTS Speaking test in Iran – February 2012

Our kind friend P has shared the Speaking questions from his IELTS exam in Iran:

Speaking test IELTS test in Iran


– Please tell me your full name.
– Where are you from, a city, a village or a town?
– Is it a good place for living?
– Is it a good place for young people?
– When was the first time you used the Internet?
– Is the information from the internet trustworthy?
– What was your hobby when you were a child?

Cue Card

Describe an important event in your life. Please say

– When did it happen?
– What was the event?
– Did it have an effect on your life?


– Talk about changes that took place recently at your job.
– Did you notice any changes in the society recently?
– What is the reaction of people to these changes?
– What is the difference in reaction of young and old people to these changes?

IELTS test in Malaysia – February 2012 (General Training)

Our Malaysian friend S shared a recent IELTS exam. S didn’t remember much about the Listening or the Reading, but had a good recollection of the Writing and Speaking.

Writing test IELTS test in Malaysia

Writing task 1 (a letter)

Your friend is coming over to stay with you. However, you will be away on vacation for a month. Write him/her a letter and say:

– how to get the keys to your flat,
– how to operate the equipment in the flat, and
– suggest a few places of interest to visit.

Writing Task 2 (an essay)

Some people believe that children should be brought up in cities. Others believe that countryside offers a better environment for children. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Speaking test


– Do you work or study?
– Tell me about your job.
– How do you spend your weekends?
– How will you spend the next weekend?
– Do you feel that weekends are more enjoyable today or when you were a child?
– How many schools have you attended?
– Which school did you prefer?
– Did your parents send you there? Why?
– Would you send your children to that school?

Cue Card

Talk about a book that you have read recently. Please say

– What is the book about?
– Who is the author?
– Did you like or dislike the book?


– Do you like reading?
– Do you think the young generation likes to read nowadays?
– What books are popular?
– What do you think about reading a paperback compared to a digital book?
– Do you think children should be encouraged to read? Why?
– Do you think that children playing digital games instead of reading are more impatient?
– Why do some people like to keep books?
– Do you think with development of technology people will still read books in the future?