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IELTS Speaking test in Vietnam – May 2012

Our kind friends from Vietnam sent their Speaking questions – enjoy!

Speaking test IELTS test in Vietnam


– What is your full name?
– What can I call you?
– Do you work or study?
– Is it difficult to get such a job?
– Do you live in a flat or a house?
– Should people have small or luxury weddings?

Cue Card 1

Describe a business that you would set up. Please say

– What business is it?
– What are the necessary conditions to set up such a business?
– What product would it sell or produce?

Cue Card 2

Describe a historical event that you are familiar with. Please say

– What is the event?
– When and where did it take place?
– What was special about that event?


– What are the most common products in Vietnam?
– What foreign products do Vietnamese people often buy?
– What is more important in a person’s career, academic knowledge or communication skills?

IELTS test in Kenya – May 2012 (General Training)

The IELTS exam below was shared by M from Kenya.

Listening test IELTS test in Kenya

Section 1. A man was calling a theater to check what plays were on and to order tickets.

Section 2. A woman was calling her friend and leaving her a voice massage with the directions to where she lives.
Questions: diagram / map labeling.

Section 3. Two lecturers discussed their project of interactive learning over the Internet.

Section 4. About insects, why they exist, disadvantages and different methods of killing insects.

Reading test

Passage 1. Different types of markets in a community.

Passage 2. Types of shifts in a workplace.

Passage 3. Employee assessment process.

Passage 4. History of population of Europe, the UK in particular. The passage was regarding it as a time bomb.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a letter)

Your friend and his/her family from a foreign country are coming to visit you. Write a letter to him/her and say

– Invite your friend and the family to stay at your home.
– Suggest places to visit in your country.
– Give other useful tips.

Writing Task 2 (an essay)

Children nowadays prefer electronic games to other games and toys. Why is it happening? Is it a positive or a negative trend?

Speaking test


– What is your name?
– Can I see your ID, please?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do for work?
– What would you like to do in the future?

Cue Card

Talk about something you have seen or read that made you laugh. Please say

– What was it?
– Who was there you with?
– Whom did you tell about it?
– Why do you still remember it?


– Are comics and advertisements important?
– Do advertisements make people buy products?
– Do you think men laugh more often than women?
– Do you like cars?
– What is the most common model in your country?
– Have you ever driven a car?
– What is your dream car?
– Do you like drawings?
– Are drawings important in people’s lives?
– Is it hard to learn how to draw?
– When was the last time you drew?