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IELTS test in Mumbai, India – June 2012 (General Training)

Our kind friend S from Mumbai has shared this IELTS exam:

Listening test IELTS test in India

Section 1. Island resort booking information.
Questions: filling in blanks.

Section 2. Railway station layout diagram.
Questions: filling in blanks, diagram labeling.

Section 3. A conversation between a hotel receptionist and a client.
Questions: short-answer questions.

Section 4. A teacher was giving a lecture on fossilization of organisms.
Questions: filling in blanks.

Reading test

Passage 1. Dog registration at the city council, its rules and regulations.
Questions: match relevant information to paragraphs.

Passage 2. Water service billing procedure explained.
Questions: match relevant information to paragraphs.

Passage 3. Online job application process described.
Questions: filling in blanks, True/False/Not Given.

Passage 4. An article about birds’ habitat.
Questions: match headings to paragraphs, multiple choice.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a letter)

Write a letter to a friend who went away for holidays and you stayed at his/her house. In your letter explain

– What did you enjoy there?
– What was the problem with the kitchen equipment?
– What did you do to fix it?

Writing Task 2 (an essay)

More people use their own cars rather than public transport, so it is up to the government to encourage people to use buses and trains instead. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

Speaking test


– What is your name?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do at work?
– Do you think TVs are necessary in schools?
– Why did you choose English language at school?

Cue Card

Describe a birthday party that you were invited to. Please say

– Whose birthday was it?
– Would you rather do something else instead of going to the party?
– Why was it special?


– Do you think people should celebrate their birthdays?
– Why is it important to have social gatherings?

IELTS Speaking test in India – June 2012

Our kind friend D. from India shared the following Speaking questions:

Speaking test IELTS test in India


– Do you study or work?
– What was your favorite subject at school?
– Do you remember any relatives that visited your home during childhood?
– Whom did you spend more time with during your childhood, relatives or friends?
– Do you think that your circle of relatives will grow in the future?
– Do you like to laugh?

Cue Card

Describe a situation that made you laugh recently. Please say

– Where did it happen?
– Who was there with you?
– Do you think you will remember it for a long time?


– Does our society prefer laughing as attitude in day to day life?
– Do you think advertisements with humor are a good or a bad idea?
– Do you like watching comedies on TV?
– Would you like your study classes more if they included more humor?
– Do you think it is possible to translate a joke from one language to another?