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IELTS Speaking test in Hungary – September 2012

Our friend S shared the questions he was asked in a recent IELTS exam in Hungary.

Speaking testIELTS test in Hungary


– What is your full name?
– Do you have a nickname?
– Do you work or study?
– What kind of work do you like?
– Do you enjoy your present job?
– Do you use a car?
– What type of car do you want to buy?
– What do you think about traveling by car?

Cue Card

Describe a subject in the secondary school or high school which influenced your life. Please say

– What kind of subject was it?
– When and where did you hear about it firstly?
– Do you like this subject?


– Who uses this subject more: men or women? Why?
– Does this subject contribute something special to our life? In what way?

IELTS test in Bangladesh – September 2012 (Academic Module)

Our friend K shared the topics from his IELTS exam in Bangladesh:

Listening testIELTS test in Bangladesh

Section 1. A mother was inquiring about a canoe course for her son.
Questions: filling in blanks.

Section 2. A tour guide was explaining to the tourists about a trip.
Questions: filling in blanks, multiple choice, diagram / map labeling.

Section 3: Assignment discussion between a tutor and a student.

Section 4: Explanation about food types and importance including the history of salt.
Questions: filling in blanks.

Reading test

Passage 1. About the origin of skull.

Passage 2. Reefs history, location and details.

Passage 3. Case study on flexible working hours in a company.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a report)

Compare two maps of Huntington: at present and future changes.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

The function of prisons is punishment; therefore life in prison should be hard. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Speaking test


– Where do you live?
– Is it a house or an apartment?
– Which room is your favorite?
– Why is your home pleasant to live in?
– Do you like flowers?
– Have you given flowers to anybody?
– Do you like plastic or fresh flowers?
– Which color is your favorite?
– Was it your favorite in your childhood?
– Which color you wouldn’t use to paint your home?

Cue Card

Talk about a street in your city. Please say

– Where is it?
– How does it look?
– What kind of people live there?


– Why do old people like to live in a village?
– Do large cities offer more benefits than villages?
– Why do young people go to large cities?