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IELTS Speaking test in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia – December 2012

The Speaking questions below were shared by S who took the IELTS test in Jeddah.

Speaking testIELTS test in Saudi Arabia


– What is your full name?
– What would you like me to call you?
– Can I see your ID please?
– Where are you from?
– Do you live in an apartment or a house?
– Please describe it.
– Do you like your apartment? Why?
– What is so interesting about it?
– Do you use the Internet?
– Does your family use the Internet?

Cue Card

Talk about a garden that you have visited recently. Please say

– Why did you visit it?
– Who was there with you?
– Describe the garden in general.
– Why was / wasn’t it interesting?

Follow up question: Would you advise others to visit it? Why?


– Do any of you friends visit this garden?
– What is the benefit of gardens in cities?
– Who mostly visits gardens, younger or older people?
– Is it acceptable to plant vegetables in the private garden around your house?
– What is the best time to visit gardens in the Middle East?
– What are the benefits of gardens for children?

IELTS test in India – December 2012 (General Training)

Thanks to N, an IELTS test taker from India, we can share these topics from a recent exam:

Listening test

Section 1. A lady was inquiring about rental property.

Section 2. A man was providing information on how to join the Automobile club.

Section 3. Two students discussed their research topic.

Section 4. Talk about the history of Roman Empire; their buildings, weapons and culture.

Reading test

Passage 1. A text on various options of available guided tours.

Passage 2. Precautions that should be taken while using a ladder.

Passage 3. VISA application process for USA through InterExchange Institute.

Passage 4. A text explaining reasons behind a huge blast that took place in early 20th century. Whether it was due to a comet, a meteor and so on.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a letter)

You have seen a job advertisement in some newspaper. Write a letter to your friend asking him to consider this job. Please say

– Where have you seen the ad?
– What is the job description?
– Why do you think, he is a suitable candidate for it?

Writing Task 2 (an essay)

There are plenty of options available for spreading news, such as newspapers, radio, TV, Internet and so on. According to your opinion what is the best media to use? Why?

Speaking test


– Tell me about the city you come from.
– What do you like to do on weekends?
– What do people in your country like to do on weekends?
– Do you think that weekends are necessary? Why?
– What are the entertainment places available in your area?
– Which entertainment place would you prefer in your area?

Cue Card

Describe an international sport event that you like the most. Please say

– Where and when did you see it?
– With whom did you watch it?
– What did you do while watching it?


Don’t remember.