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IELTS Speaking test in Australia – September 2013

The Speaking questions below were shared by C, who recently took the IELTS test in Australia:

Speaking testIELTS test in Australia


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Tell me something about your city.
– What do you like the most about your city?
– When did you last visit your relatives?
– What do you do when you go to your relatives in your home country?
– How often do you meet them?

Cue Card

Talk about a business that you would like to start in the future. Please say

– What is it?
– Why do you think this business is important?
– What are the crucial components of success in business?


– Do you think business is important?
– What business is successful, according to you? Why?
– Talk about any family business that you know.
– What are the positives of running a business with family?
– What are the negatives of running a business with family members?

IELTS test in Uzbekistan – September 2013 (Academic Module)

This update was shared by N, an IELTS test taker from Uzbekistan

Listening testIELTS test in Uzbekistan

Section 1. A conversation between two friends about what to pack for trip and places to visit.

Section 2. About a public park that opened recently.

Section 3. Two students discussed their project and asked their professor for help.

Section 4. Chronological history of cars from 1940 to 1990.

Reading test

Passage 1. A research in Australia and the USA about employers offering special facilities for workers with families.

Passage 2. Social and economic role of bees in our life.

Passage 3. About a book that describes the mind in 3D. The name was something like “Mind in …”

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a report)

We were given two pie charts indicating the proportion of students taking courses offered by an adult education centre.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

Scientists believe that junk food has bad impact on our health. Some people think that people should be educated to consume less of it, while others think that it is pointless. What is your opinion?

Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Describe your country.

Cue Card

Describe a special occasion when you have helped somebody.
Please say

– Who you helped,
– Why they needed help,
– How you felt after helping the person.


– What do you think about volunteering work?