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IELTS test in Nigeria and India – May 2014 (Academic Module)

IELTS test takers from Nigeria and India (thank you, C and P!) shared the following Writing and Speaking questions, that were the same in their countries.

Writing testIELTS test in Nigeria

Writing task 1 (a report)

We were given a bar graph showing the population of old people aged 60+ in four different countries Australia, Canada, the UK and the USA between 1990-2000 with a prediction for 2015.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

Some people say that the government should make public transportation free for all users. To what extent do you agree or disagree with it? Give your opinion and examples.

Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Where do you live now?
– What don’t you like about this place?
– Would you like to move out of there?
– What kind of clothes do you usually wear?
– Do you think people spend more on fashion nowadays?
– How many languages can you speak?
– Why did you learn all these languages?
– Do you think English is a difficult language to learn?
– How long have you been learning English?
– Would you like to learn other languages?

Cue Card

Talk about a film that you have watched and did not like. Please say

– What was the name of that film?
– Where and when did you watch it?
– What exactly didn’t you like about it? Why?


– Is it better to watch films at home or outside? Why?
– What other forms of entertainment do you like?
– What other things do you think people do in their leisure time?
– Do you like to play computer games?
– What advantage do computer games have over other games? Why?
– What games do you know that can be played on a computer?

IELTS Speaking test in Ecuador and Kazakhstan – May 2014

Thanks to IELTS test takers A and C we can share the following Speaking questions:

Speaking testIELTS test in Ecuador


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you think about helping others?
– What do you think about others helping you?
– Do you think children can help at home?
– What kind of house chores can children do? Why?
– Do you think it is important that children help around the house? Why?
– Tell me about your hometown.
– Can you describe the weather in your city?
– How often is it raining over there?
– Do you like when its raining? Why?
– What do you think about parties?
– Why do/don’t you like them?
– What do you think about politeness?
– Do you think people are more polite today than in the past?

Cue Card

Describe a book that you have recently read. Please say

– What was the name of the book?
– What was the book about?
– Do you think it was interesting? Why?


– What do you think about being famous?
– How do you think the family members of a famous person feel?
– How can it affect them? Why?