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IELTS test in India, Azerbaijan, Nepal and the UK – May 2014 (Academic Module)

The topics and questions below were shared by four IELTS test takers whose exams were in four different countries, but the content was the same.

Listening testIELTS test in India

Section 1. Two people were speaking about arrangements for a lecture in the guest room of the hotel.
Questions: form completion.

Section 2. A radio program on Buyer’s Guide.
Questions: table completion, matching ideas to speakers.

Section 3. Two management students were talking with their lecturer about the output of their assignment.
Questions: multiple choice, match answers to paragraphs.

Section 4. A lecture about aboriginal garment designs.
Questions: sentence completion.

Reading test

Passage 1. About butterfly farms in the UK.
Questions: multiple choice, True/False/Not Given, match answers to paragraphs.

Passage 2. About multitasking.
Questions: match a paragraph to a person and his/her ideas, multiple choice.

Passage 3. About green house emissions and desalination.
Questions: True/False/Not Given, filling in blanks (no more than two words), diagram completion (no more than three words).

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a report)

We were given two maps. The first was showing the current road system with accident-prone areas and the second was showing proposed changes in these areas including new roundabouts, traffic lights and so on.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

The famous American actor John Wayne once said “Tomorrow is the most important thing in our life.” However, some people think that the present time is more important. How important is it for individuals and the country to think and do something for the future? What is your own opinion?

Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you like the place where you live?
– Do you know the neighbours there?
– Is this place suitable for children? Why?
– Are there any parks near your home?
– How often do you visit these parks?
– What do you usually do there?
– When was the last time you went there?
– Do you like open parks or parks with leisure facilities?
– What facilities would you like in the park near you?
– Do you like taking photos with your phone or camera?
– What photos do you like to take?
– What will you do with these photos? Why?
– Would you like to do a course in photography?

Cue Card

Talk about a person that you know, who has an interesting job. Please say

– Who is this person?
– Describe his/her job.
– Why do you think it’s interesting?


– What jobs do people prefer to do in your country?
– Do you think young people today find career choice confusing?
– Some companies allow their staff to study, what do you think about it?

IELTS Speaking test in Sri Lanka – May 2014

A test taker from Sri Lanka (thanks, A!) shared the following questions from a recent IELTS exam:

Speaking testIELTS test in Sri Lanka


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What is your hometown?
– Tell me about your hometown.
– What kind of work do people do in your town?
– What do you usually do on weekends?
– What are your plans for the next weekend?
– Do you go to museums?
– Can you describe the museum in your city?
– Where is it?
– Do you have a hobby?
– What is it?
– Do you do it every day?
– Can you tell me about your family?

Cue Card

Describe your favourite animal. Please say

– What is it?
– Where does it live?
– What kind of food does it eat?
– Why do you like it so much?


– What do you think about animals killed by humans?
– What action should be taken by the government to prevent the killing?
– What can be done by people?