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IELTS Speaking test in Argentina – October 2017

When J took the IELTS Speaking test in Argentina, he was asked the following questions:

Speaking testIELTS test in Argentina


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you think about robots?
– Where are they used?
– Do you think robots will be developed further?
– What do you think about mirrors?
– Do you think people use mirrors a lot? Why?
– What do you think attracts people to buy something?
– Do you think the government should help small shops? Why?

Cue Card

Describe a popular place for swimming in your city. Please say

– What is this place?
– Where is it situated?
– Why is it so popular?


– How often do you go there?
– Who do you go there with?
– Why is that?
– What sports do you like?
– Why do you like them?

IELTS test in Russia – October 2017 (Academic Module)

When N took the IELTS exam in Russia, the following questions appeared in the test paper:

Writing testIELTS test in Russia

Writing task 1 (a report)

We were given a bar chart showing gadgets used for playing video games by different age groups in the USA in 2012.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

Nowadays many big cities become overcrowded. Why is it happening, in your opinion? What measures could be taken to prevent it?

Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you live in an apartment or a house?
– Do you like your apartment? Why?
– Would you like to move to a house in the future? Why?

Cue Card

Describe a couple that is happily married. Please say

– how you know them
– how long they have been married
– what makes them a happy couple


– Let’s talk about marriage.
– What are weddings like in your country?
– Do you support the big fancy wedding idea?
– What do you think about celebrities’ weddings that cost a fortune?
– What is the size of a typical family in your country?
– Why is it so?