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IELTS Speaking test in India – June 2019

Our friend H recently took the IELTS Speaking test in India and below are the questions she remembered:

Speaking testIELTS test in India


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– What do you like about the job?
– How do you commute to work?
– What other transport can you use to get there?
– How many hours do you work per week?
– Do you like to read?
– What do you like to read mostly?
– Can reading before bed help you to sleep better?
– What are some other ways to get a good sleep?

Cue Card

Talk about a person who inspired you when you were young. Please say

– Who is that person?
– How did you meet this person?
– What inspired you about this person?


– Are you similar to that person?
– How can parents help in child development?
– What is more important, school education or parental advice?

IELTS Speaking test in Kathmandu, Nepal – June 2019

When R took IELTS in Nepal, he was asked the following questions in the Speaking test:

Speaking testIELTS test in Nepal


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Where do you live now?
– Is it a house or a flat?
– Do you like it there?
– What is your favourite room at home?
– How long have you lived there for?
– Do you live there by yourself or with family?
– Do your parents or relatives live nearby?
– How often do you visit them?
– What do you do when you visit them?
– Do you prefer to spend time with relatives or friends?
– Do you prefer visiting your relatives, or your friends?

Cue Card

Describe an instance when children made you laugh. Please say

– When where was it?
– What did they do?
– How did you feel about it later?


– Do you like spending time with children?
– What is the best age for people to have children, in your opinion?
– Do you think people should be trained before becoming parents?