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Simone Braverman

Simone Braverman is the founder of and the author of several renowned IELTS preparation books, including Ace the IELTS, Target Band 7, the High Scorer's Choice practice test series, and IELTS Success Formula. Since 2005, Simone has been committed to making IELTS preparation accessible and effective through her books and online resources. Her work has helped 100,000's of students worldwide achieve their target scores and live their dream lives. When Simone isn't working on her next IELTS book, video lesson, or coaching, she enjoys playing the guitar or rollerblading.

IELTS Speaking questions from Australia – March 2010

Today I have 3 sets of IELTS Speaking questions for you, thanks to A and her friends from Australia, who shared all they remembered. Here goes:

Speaking Test 1

– Tell me, where are you from?
– Do you like cooking?
– How often you will cook in future? Why?
– Do you read newspapers?
– What are the benefits of reading newspapers?

Cue card
Describe a famous person (not from your own country) who you want to meet. You should say:
– who that person is,
– what personality he/she has,
– what is the reason he/she is famous,
– why you want to meet him/her.

– Are there any benefits to being famous?
– Why do you think people want to be famous?
– Does it bring any disadvantages to the country if there are many famous people?
– Who else do you think that can be famous except for celebrities?
– Is it good to be famous?

Speaking Test 2

– What’s your name?
– Where are you from?
– Let’s talk about newspapers, do you like reading newspapers?
– Which area are you interested in when reading a newspaper?
– Do you prefer to watch a film at home or in the cinema? Why?
– What kind of films do you like?

Cue Card
Talk about your favorite book when you were a little child, please say:
– what book it was,
– who gave it to you and when,
– what it was about,
and explain why you like it.

– What are the benefits of reading books?
– Do you think there is any difference in reading now compared to the past?
– Do you think technology has changed the habit of reading?
– Is it sad to see that technology has replaced the books?
– What is the importance of having public libraries in the society?
– Is government responsible for building public libraries?

Speaking Test 3

– Can you tell me your full name please?
– Let’s talk about films. Do you like watching films at home or in the cinema? Why?
– Let’s talk about neighbors. Do you see your neighbors very often?
– How’s the relationship between you and your neighbors?
– How important is it to have a good relationship with neighbors?

Cue Card
Describe something old that your family have kept. Please say:
– what it is,
– why you like it,
– how long have your family kept it,
and explain why you like to keep it.

– In your culture, is there something else that is passed on from generation to generation?
– Is it good to have such item to be passed on? Why?
– How can you prevent unpleasant things from happening by having such item?
– Why do you think it’s important to preserve old things?
– Let’s talk about traditional buildings. What’s the difference between old traditional buildings and modern buildings?
– What are the benefits of living in an old traditional building?
– Do you prefer to live in an old or a modern building?

IELTS Speaking questions from Spain – March 2010

IELTS speaking questions from Spain were shared by M (thank you!), here they are:

Speaking test

– What is your name?
– Where’s your hometown?
– What can you recommend in your hometown?
– Do you like traveling?
– Where do you want to go traveling?

Cue Card

Describe a park or an outdoor place where you enjoyed being, you should say:
– what did it look like?
– What did you do there?
– Why did you enjoy being there?


– Can you name outdoor places where people go?
– What do you do in a garden or another outdoor place?
– Do you think there could be more done to protect nature?
– What could there be done?
– What effect does the urbanization have on countrysides?