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Simone Braverman

Simone Braverman is the founder of and the author of several renowned IELTS preparation books, including Ace the IELTS, Target Band 7, the High Scorer's Choice practice test series, and IELTS Success Formula. Since 2005, Simone has been committed to making IELTS preparation accessible and effective through her books and online resources. Her work has helped 100,000's of students worldwide achieve their target scores and live their dream lives. When Simone isn't working on her next IELTS book, video lesson, or coaching, she enjoys playing the guitar or rollerblading.

IELTS Speaking questions from Iran – April 2010

IELTS speaking questions from Iran were shared by M. who remembered the following:

Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Where are you from?
– Is it your home town?
– Do you live with your family?
– Do you think your home town is a good place for living? Why?
– Where do you recommend for visitor to go in your home town?
– Talk about seasons in your country.

Cue Card

Talk about something healthy that you have done, please say
– What was it?
– Why do you think it was good for your health?
– What did you do?
– Did you recommend it to your friends?


– Do you think the state of public health has changed in the last 20 years? Why?
– What government can do to improve healthiness?
– What can be done in schools for children in that respect?
– Do you think women are more conscious about health than men? Why?
– What is your view of the education environment?
– How people get their information about healthiness?

IELTS test in the Philippines – April 2010 (Academic Module)

IELTS exam in the Philippines was shared by our kind friends D and B, who remembered the following:

Listening test

Section 1. A conversation between an engineer looking for accommodation for 3 months and a real estate agent.
Section 2. Preferred Location.
Section 3. How to write history of a village.
Section 4. How professional football evolved and about its origin in the 19th century.

Reading test

Passage 1. Conceptualization of Shower Power bathroom cleaner and how it became a popular household brand.
Passage 2. Case won by Mrs. Carlile against makers of carbolic ball company, that a contract said to be one-sided (i.e. advertisement) is legal and binding.
Passage 3. Four personalities (sanguine, melancholic, etc) by Hippocrates as a useful tool for a company’s team building.

Writing test

Writing Task 1 (a report)
A bar graph about users and non-users of internet in Queensland, Australia in 2001. The bar graph was comparing the number of internet users to non-internet users, according to age brackets 0-9, 10-19, 20-39, 40-50, 50-59, 60+.

Writing Task 2 (an essay)
Some people believe that recent increases in cheap air travel have many benefits. However, others believe that it has some drawbacks for the environment and the world’s resources. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Speaking test

– State your full name.
– Do you work or study?
– What training is required for your work?
– Do you like reading?
– When do you usually read and where?
– Did you eat fruits and vegetables when you were little?
– What is the importance of eating fruits and vegetables?

Cue Card
Talk about an exciting sport that you like, please say
– What is it?
– Why is it popular?
– Is it easy to do this kind of sport?
– What makes it exciting?

– Why do you think people get engaged in risky sports?
– If you were a mother/father, what advice would you give to your children who want to get involved in risky sports?
– Why do professional athletes nowadays get high salaries, compared to doctors and other professions?