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Simone Braverman

Simone Braverman is the founder of and the author of several renowned IELTS preparation books, including Ace the IELTS, Target Band 7, the High Scorer's Choice practice test series, and IELTS Success Formula. Since 2005, Simone has been committed to making IELTS preparation accessible and effective through her books and online resources. Her work has helped 100,000's of students worldwide achieve their target scores and live their dream lives. When Simone isn't working on her next IELTS book, video lesson, or coaching, she enjoys playing the guitar or rollerblading.

IELTS Speaking questions from Canada – May 2010

IELTS exam in Canada, according to our friend P, was just like the recent test in India. Here is the version of Speaking questions that P remembered and shared:

Speaking test


– What is your name?
– What shall I call you?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you watch / listen to weather reports?
– How weather affects you?
– What is your favorite weather? Why?
– Do you play any sports?
– Is sport good for children?

Cue Card

Talk about how you spent your last weekend, please say
– where you went,
– what you have done,
– whom you spent time with.


– How people plan for their weekend?
– Why working people and students look forward to the weekend?
– Is it good for the society to have shift jobs?
– What are the negative impacts of shift jobs on families?
– Which industries require shift jobs?

IELTS test in Australia – May 2010 (General Training)

This IELTS exam was shared by J from Australia, who has an amazing memory and was able to remember the tiniest details. Just a small note before we get to the exam: although the writing topics from Australia were posted 2 days ago, you will find them again in this update. This is because in my opinion a full exam is easier to read in one post rather than in pieces linking to other pieces.

Listening Test

Section 1. A conversation regarding a holiday rental house.
Questions: about the number of people staying, location (a quiet street), close to what amenities, facilities for children, rental period (week/weekend), contact information (name and phone number).

Section 2. A conversation about the British Museum and the Design Museum.


Multiple choice questions about
– What the museum is for,
– What it contains inside,
– The closing time on a particular day.

Filling in the blanks
– The location of British Museum,
– It was used as ___________ in 1952,
– The location of Design Museum,
– What is it for.

Section 3. A report about “How TV influences students’ performance at school”.

Questions: multiple choice questions about comparing the performance of students who watch TV the most and who do not watch TV.

What should the parents do:
– Not allow their kids to watch TV,
– Watch the programs before the children do,
– Watch together.

Section 4. A discussion about the library system.

Questions: Filling in the gaps.
– The present library system,
– The revolution of storing information, such as the electronic way,
– The problems of present library system,
– The library website (what type of information it has),
– Who can apply for the job of a librarian,
– Librarian’s skills, such as information technology, sociology, marketing, etc.

Reading test

Passage 1. A leaflet of Mobile Garbage Bin (MGB) including collection day, the type of rubbish, sharing the MGB with neighbors, etc.

Questions: T/F/NG questions.

Passage 2. A worldwide company which provides placement for workers to gain work experience, how to register, apply online – registration information, choosing a package, making a deposit.

Questions: T/F/NG questions, information matching about different types of holidays in the company, such as special purpose leave, public holiday, sick leave, etc.

Passage 3 – forgot the topic.
Questions: matching headings to paragraphs.

Passage 4 . About wildlife sounds that were stored in the biggest library called the British Library in London. First paragraph was talking about the introduction of wildlife sounds in the world. The second paragraph was discussing the history of wildlife sounds department in the British Library. The third paragraph was about the shelf space in the library which is always kept tidy and clean. The fourth had something about the first record of the wildlife sounds in the world. Firth was about the method of recording sounds with equipment in a certain area. Sixth – the sounds’ collection of 9,000 different species. Seventh – also including the sounds of mammals and the natural sounds such as thunder, waterfall, etc. The last paragraph was about the weirdest sounds in the world, such as the ones made by wolf spider.

Questions: T/F/NG questions and filling in the gaps.

Writing Test

Writing Task 1 (a letter)

You just graduated from a course at a training school and you have to send feedback to them. Write a letter to the training school, include the following:
– the details of the training course,
– what you enjoyed in the course,
– what should be improved in the course.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

Most of the people think that dangerous sports should be banned. Do you agree or disagree?

Speaking Test


– Tell me your full name.
– What should I call you?
– Where do you come from?
– Do you work or study?
– What would you enjoy the most in you study?
– Is it easy to find a job now?
– What food style do you like the most?
– What fashion brand/style do you like the most?
– Did you ever buy some clothes that did not satisfy you?

Cue Card

Talk about a person that you once helped or that helped you, please say
– who the person that you helped / that helped you was,
– why he/she needed help / why you needed their help,
– how does it feel to help people?


– Do you like helping people?
– What is the difference between helping/taking caring of young children and elderly people?
– Who would you prefer to help, a child or an elderly person?