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Simone Braverman

Simone Braverman is the founder of and the author of several renowned IELTS preparation books, including Ace the IELTS, Target Band 7, the High Scorer's Choice practice test series, and IELTS Success Formula. Since 2005, Simone has been committed to making IELTS preparation accessible and effective through her books and online resources. Her work has helped 100,000's of students worldwide achieve their target scores and live their dream lives. When Simone isn't working on her next IELTS book, video lesson, or coaching, she enjoys playing the guitar or rollerblading.

IELTS essay, topic: The role of parents and family in the future success of a person is more important than knowledge and skills learnt at school (agree/disagree)

IELTS Model Essay Sample Band 8 September 2023

This essay topic was seen in recent IELTS test in Kazakhstan.

The role of parents and family in the future success of a person is more important than knowledge and skills learnt at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The significance of parents and family versus school education in shaping a person’s future success has long been debated. While some argue that parental guidance and familial support are paramount, others contend that knowledge and skills acquired in school play a pivotal role. Personally, I believe that the role of parents and family, although crucial, should not overshadow the importance of formal education in determining future success.

To begin, parents and family undoubtedly have a profound impact on a person’s development. From an early age, children absorb values, attitudes, and behaviours from their family environment. Parents provide emotional support, nurture talents, and instil vital life skills such as resilience, discipline, and work ethic. The role of parents in nurturing confidence, fostering interpersonal skills, and encouraging personal growth cannot be understated.

However, the argument that parents and family solely determine a person’s success is flawed. School education equips individuals with essential knowledge, critical thinking abilities, and academic qualifications that form the foundation for future opportunities. Schools provide a structured learning environment, exposure to diverse perspectives, and a platform for social interaction and skill development. Furthermore, formal education fosters independence, adaptability, and the ability to navigate challenges beyond the familial context.

In conclusion, while the role of parents and family in shaping a person’s success is undeniably important, it is equally crucial to acknowledge the vital role of formal education in preparing individuals for the challenges and opportunities they will encounter in their lives. Parents and family provide a nurturing environment, values, and life skills, while schools offer a comprehensive education, knowledge acquisition, and social growth. Therefore, a balanced approach that appreciates the significance of both aspects is the key to fostering holistic development and maximising future success.

Teacher’s feedback:

Overall, this essay is worthy of IELTS Band 8. Here are the reasons why:

Task Response: Band 8
The essay presents a nuanced argument that recognises the importance of both parental guidance and formal education. The writer clearly states their position, arguing that while the role of parents and family is crucial, it should not overshadow the importance of education. This is substantiated by discussing the unique contributions of both influences on personal development and future success.

Coherence and Cohesion: Band 8
The essay is well-organised, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each paragraph focuses on a specific aspect of the argument, with the first discussing the role of parents and the second the importance of school education. The use of transition phrases like “To begin,” “However,” and “In conclusion” effectively guides the reader through the essay, enhancing its coherence and cohesion.

Lexical Resource: Band 8
The essay demonstrates a strong command of vocabulary, with terms such as “paramount,” “pivotal role,” “nurture talents,” “instil vital life skills,” and “comprehensive education.” This varied and precise vocabulary helps to convey complex ideas clearly and effectively.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy: Band 8
The essay showcases a wide range of grammatical structures used accurately. Complex grammatical structures are used without error, as in “Schools provide a structured learning environment, exposure to diverse perspectives, and a platform for social interaction and skill development,” demonstrating the writer’s grammatical proficiency.

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IELTS Speaking test in Australia – September 2023

IELTS Speaking Latest Questions Australia September 2023

Our kind friend SA took IELTS in Australia and remembered the following Speaking test questions.

Preparation Tip: Do a practice session where you answer all of these questions and record yourself. Re-listen later and look for fluency (frequent pausing, self-correction, hesitation) or pronunciation problems. Then re-record the questions you’re not happy with, and this time try to sound more fluent and pronounce the words better. Submit your recording for assessment and learn how to score higher.

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– What can I call you?
– Where do you live?
– How long have you been living there?
– Do you like the area where you live? Why / why not?
– Let’s talk about running.
– Do you like running?
– When was the last time you went for a run?
– Do you think running is useful? Why / why not?
– Is your neighbourhood a good place to run?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Talk about a person you know who learnt a new language. You should say

– where he/she is from
– how you know him/her
– what language he/she learnt

and explain how this person learnt a new language.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– Is it easy to learn a new language?
– How is learning a new language now different from the past?
– Do you think languages should be saved? Why or why not?
– How do people in your country learn a new language?
– Do you think understanding culture is important while learning a language?
– What is the medium of instruction in your country?
– Do you think that the medium of instruction in schools plays a role in language learning?