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Simone Braverman

Simone Braverman is the founder of and the author of several renowned IELTS preparation books, including Ace the IELTS, Target Band 7, the High Scorer's Choice practice test series, and IELTS Success Formula. Since 2005, Simone has been committed to making IELTS preparation accessible and effective through her books and online resources. Her work has helped 100,000's of students worldwide achieve their target scores and live their dream lives. When Simone isn't working on her next IELTS book, video lesson, or coaching, she enjoys playing the guitar or rollerblading.

New IELTS Speaking questions from India – July 2024

IELTS Speaking New Questions India July 2024

A very thoughtful test taker S from India shared his recent IELTS Speaking test questions:

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your name?
– Are you a student or do you work?
– What subject are you studying?
– Why have you chosen to study this?
– Do you like reading the news?
– How often do you read the news?
– Why do you read the news?
– Would you like to become a journalist in the future? Why/why not?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Talk about a person who is a role model for young people. You should say

– who this person is
– what he/she does
– why he/she is a role model

and explain how this person has influenced young people.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– Have you discussed this person with your friends?
– Would you like to be famous?
– What are the advantages and disadvantages of fame?
– What qualities do famous people have in common?
– How do famous people influence society, especially young people?
– Do you think it is important for famous people to use their influence positively?

STOP Doing This if You Want a Band 7 in IELTS Reading

STOP Doing This if You Want a Band 7 in IELTS Reading

Achieving a Band 7 or higher in the IELTS Reading test can be challenging, especially if you’re blindly relying on advice without knowing WHEN to use it. One common piece of advice that many test-takers follow is to underline keywords in the questions and scan the text for those exact words. If you’re aiming for a Band 7 or higher, you need to STOP following this advice. Here’s why.

IELTS Reading is More Than Just a Vocabulary Test

IELTS Reading is not just about recognising words; it’s about understanding how words and ideas are presented in different ways. The most challenging parts of the Reading test, such as Part 3 / Passage 3, often require a deeper level of comprehension.

The Problem with Keyword Scanning

When you’re tackling the harder texts, you might not find the exact keywords from the questions in the text. Instead, you’ll encounter synonyms. If you’re solely looking for exact keywords, you might miss the information entirely because those specific words just aren’t there.

For example, consider the question:

Question: Cheaper prices can be achieved with insurance salesmen through ____________.

If you were to scan the text for “cheaper prices” or “insurance salesmen,” you might not find those exact phrases. Instead, the text might say:

Text: “Most good brokers will be able to combine the various insurances that you feel your business needs. These will be tailored to businesses and will include things like monthly premiums. Don’t just buy the first one you find. Shop around and don’t be afraid to try negotiation with brokers – they want your business and will do you a deal that will save you money.”

In this case, “cheaper prices” is synonymous with “save you money,” and “insurance salesmen” are referred to as “brokers.”

Recognise Synonyms and Read in Detail

To succeed in the IELTS Reading test, you need to recognise the synonyms of the words from the questions and read the text in detail. This approach will help you find all the correct answers.

Key Strategies:

1. Identify the Right Paragraph: Look for the paragraph that is most likely to contain the answer.
2. Read in Detail: Once you find the right paragraph, read it carefully to understand the context and identify synonyms.
3. Be Aware of Synonyms: Understand that synonyms might be used in place of the exact keywords. For example, if the question mentions “cheaper prices,” the text might say “save you money.”

Example Analysis

Let’s break down the example provided earlier:

Question: Cheaper prices can be achieved with insurance salesmen through ____________.

Text: “Most good brokers will be able to combine the various insurances that you feel your business needs. These will be tailored to businesses and will include things like monthly premiums. Don’t just buy the first one you find. Shop around and don’t be afraid to try negotiation with brokers – they want your business and will do you a deal that will save you money.”


  • Cheaper prices: Synonym is “save you money.”
  • Insurance salesmen: Referred to as “brokers.”
  • Achieved through: The action to be taken is “negotiation.”

So, the answer to the question would be “negotiation”.

To Sum Up

To achieve a Band 7 or higher in the IELTS Reading test, you need to move beyond scanning for keywords and focus on understanding the text in detail. Recognise synonyms and comprehend the context to find the correct answers. By refining your approach and enhancing your vocabulary skills, you can significantly improve your performance and reach your desired band score.