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Simone Braverman

Simone Braverman is the founder of and the author of several renowned IELTS preparation books, including Ace the IELTS, Target Band 7, the High Scorer's Choice practice test series, and IELTS Success Formula. Since 2005, Simone has been committed to making IELTS preparation accessible and effective through her books and online resources. Her work has helped 100,000's of students worldwide achieve their target scores and live their dream lives. When Simone isn't working on her next IELTS book, video lesson, or coaching, she enjoys playing the guitar or rollerblading.

IELTS preparation tips from Band 8.5 achiever

Bhaskar from India received Band 8.5 in IELTS and felt like sharing. Here is his advice to fellow IELTS candidates:

“I achieved 8.5 bands in my IELTS exam. And most of all I am grateful to myself for making the extra effort required in achieving this wonderful score.

To many of my friends, who always ask as to how to prepare best, I wish to tell:

1. Practice thoroughly, there are no shortcuts.

2. You must make the necessary effort to speak out in public regularly to improve your speaking. This is one area where most lack and by far it is the easiest section of IELTS.

3. You must read newspapers and magazines regularly, since it enhances one’s reading and writing skills while also adding new words to one’s vocabulary.A nd not only read, but also try to understand the use of every word.

4. Getting in conversations with others primarily in English is one of the best approaches to improve your listening and speaking skills. Also it would enhance your knowledge which would prove beneficial for the writing exam.

5. And remember to practice.

Good Luck!!!”

I’d like to thank Bhaskar and invite other high achievers to share the secrets of their success. Please leave a comment on this post or if you’re subscribed to IELTS-Blog – reply to my email and tell me, why did you get the high score. I’d love to hear from you!

Case study: Band 8 in 15 days

Subhro G., an IELTS test taker from Bangalore, India, says:

IELTS preparation case study “I came across IELTS Blog 15 days before my exam and ordered the Target Band 7 material.

It has been a wise decision!

I got an overall band score of 8 in the Academic IELTS Module.”


Subhro G. is a working professional who also is a family man. He found the exam preparation challenging, especially considering his requirement to obtain Band 7 (not just overall, but 7 in every skill: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking).


Subhro had only 2 weeks to study and needed to get Band 7 in every section of IELTS. He had to combine studying with his busy working schedule and family commitments.


Subhro came to realize that with a goal of scoring band 7 in just 2 weeks of preparation he needed reference material that would give him the differentiating advantage from the average IELTS test taker. He decided to put his trust in “Target Band 7” package.


15 days before IELTS – Subhro bought Target Band 7 and began practicing.

Advantage 1: Subhro was able to concentrate on the areas that had the biggest impact on his performance and scores.


With focused and analytical approach to each component of the IELTS test it is much easier to find weaker skills and to narrow down the weakness to specific question types. Problems are flushed out at the early stages of preparation.

Advantage 2: Subhro was walked through the various IELTS tasks and had enough practice to avoid any surprises in the real test.


The practice tests supplied with the book give the feeling of a real test. The level of difficulty and the variety of tasks are very close to those in the real exam.

Advantage 3: Subhro’s level of confidence grew.


The way the material is written makes a person feel in control and in the driver’s seat, rather than a ‘test victim’.


After the exam

Subhro writes to Simone: “Hi Simone – the exam was good but my writing tasks could have been better! “

IELTS results arrived

Score received: Overall Band 8 – Listening 8.5, Reading 7.5, Writing 7, Speaking 8.

Score needed: Band 7. Subhro overshot his target score by a whole band.

Subhro writes to Simone:

“Dear Simone,

My challenge was preparation time and the minimum qualifier (7 in each component). So I needed a reference material which will give me the differentiating advantage from the average IELTS test taker (who scores 6.5). I came across IELTS Blog 15 days before my exam and ordered the Target Band 7 material. It has been a wise decision ! I scored an overall band score of 8 in the Academic IELTS Module.

If there are test takers like me, who need to balance the multiple demands of work, family and study – I would recommend, that you only go in for IELTS Target Band 7. The investment is worth it.”