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Simone Braverman

Simone Braverman is the founder of and the author of several renowned IELTS preparation books, including Ace the IELTS, Target Band 7, the High Scorer's Choice practice test series, and IELTS Success Formula. Since 2005, Simone has been committed to making IELTS preparation accessible and effective through her books and online resources. Her work has helped 100,000's of students worldwide achieve their target scores and live their dream lives. When Simone isn't working on her next IELTS book, video lesson, or coaching, she enjoys playing the guitar or rollerblading.

IELTS in Dhaka, Bangladesh – August 2009 (Academic Module)

IELTS test in Bangladesh was shared by M, who remembered quite a bit. Thank you for this update!

Listening test

Section 1: A market researcher questions an airline passenger about his experience and expectations about air journey.
Questions: Multiple choice questions.

Section 2 and 3: Cant remember.

Section 4: A history of bicycle.
Questions: Filling in the gaps, Multiple choice questions.

Reading test

Passage 1: About breeding and cultivation of Peas.
Questions: Yes, No, Not Given questions; Multiple choice questions; Fill in the gaps.

Passage 2: An article about child development.
Questions: Information matching; Yes, No, Not Given questions; Multiple choice questions.

Passage 3: A journal article about human senses: the sense of smell.
Questions: Yes, No, Not Given questions; Multiple choice questions; Headings matching.

Writing test

Writing Task 1 (report)
A graph showing car ownership in households in UK from 1961 to 2001. An easy one.

Writing Task 2 (essay)
We should concentrate on children’s writing skills. What do you think? Write and cite from personal experience.

Speaking test

– What is your full name?
– Tell me where you are from.
– Do you work or study?
– What kind of work you have to do?
– Do you have to deal with people in work?
– Do you like people? Why?

Cue Card
Tell us about something you want to be, but you are not at present, you should say
– Who is the person you want to become?
– Why do you want the change?

– Do you cook? When did you learn cooking?
– Do you think students should learn cooking?
– Do you like change?
– Why people do not like change?
– What change you would like to see in your country now?
– About old age. What change people experience at old age?

Case study: Band 7.5 in just 10 days.

Inokoue, a student from Malaysia says:

“Hi Simone!

It’s going to be a great weekend for me! Let me share with you why:

Speaking 8.5, Listening 8.5, Reading 6.5, Writing 7!

Overall: 7.5!!!

I am so so happy! And it’s all because of your IELTS-Blog and Target Band 7 book!

Thank you so much. I am grateful! Now I can continue my professional life with great confidence!”


Inokoue is a student from Malaysia, who had to take the IELTS test to be accepted to a university in another country. As soon as Inokoue found out she needed Band 7 in IELTS, she bought the book Target Band 7 – just 10 days before her exam.

In that short period of time Inokoue managed to raise the score from around 6.5 to 7.5 overall, with band 8.5 for both Speaking and Listening.

Apart from reading Target Band 7 and practicing for 10 days Inokoque didn’t have to do ANYTHING.


Inokoue urgently needed to get IELTS Band Score of 7 or above within 10 days of studying.


Inokoue estimated her band score by solving IELTS practice tests and found out that it needs to go from 6.5 up to 7 or above.

After Googling the term ‘IELTS’, Inokoue found IELTS-Blog and Targe Band 7 e-book, downloaded it and began studying, utilizing the tips from the book and practicing solving IELTS-like tests.

Having identified her weakest skills and biggest problems, Inokoue followed Simone’s advice and concentrated on the areas that had the biggest impact on her performance and score.


10 days before IELTS – Inokoue bought Target Band 7 and began practicing.

Advantage 1: Speaking improved dramatically, Inokoue felt confident and prepared.


A. Using the tips from the book and real questions from past exams Inokoue was training herself in Speaking. Once she got into a habit of outlining points to speak about in her mind, her confidence grew significantly. She knew all the topics, what to say, how to say it and even what to wear to her exam.

B. Inokoue asked Simone for advice about her problem in Speaking (being shy and hesitant interfered with her performance). The advice she received solved that problem.

Advantage 2: Inokoue learned how to finish the Reading test within 60 minutes (previous attempts: 90 minutes)


A. Inokoue learned how to manage her time in the Reading test. Target Band 7 explains exactly how to avoid the deadly trap of wasting all the time on one difficult passage. It also guides you how to spend less time on a passage through skimming and scanning techniques.

B. Inokoue learned from Target Band 7 how to get better at answering questions by analyzing her own mistakes.

Advantage 3: Inokoue was prepared to any type of question in the Writing test.


A. She went through the step-by-step explanation of how to write a report for every type of chart that can appear in the IELTS exam, learning the rules, the structure and the vocabulary. She practiced and wrote at least one report of every kind. After the third report she felt she was a pro.

B. Inokoue learned how to write a great IELTS essay, in terms of structure, paragraphing, style and vocabulary. She was following the step-by-step plan in Target Band 7 and felt she couldn’t go wrong with it. Time wasn’t a problem any more, any essay was taking her no more than 40 minutes.

Advantage 4: No more anxiety or panic

How: Inokoue understood exactly what needs to be done in each section of the IELTS test and how to do it, she practiced in doing it and felt in control of her performance. The process she went through helped Inokoue build up enough confidence to remain calm and focused on the exam.


After the exam

Inokoue writes to Simone: “My IELTS TEST IS FINALLY OVER! I can rest now. It felt good, I don’t think I scored high marks, but I do feel like I have done enough to register the good points to get a decent band. ;)”

IELTS results arrived

Score received: Overall Band 7.5 – Speaking 8.5, Listening 8.5, Reading 6.5, Writing 7.

Inokoue writes to Simone:

“Kudos to Simone, IELTS-BLOG and all the kind people who have contributed past questions, tips and advices. I couldn’t have done it without your help.

I needed my IELTS cert immediately, therefore I only had 1.5 weeks to prepare. So I went online and googled ‘IELTS’ and IELTS-BLOG was the first hit that came up. I purchased Target Band 7 and downloaded the practice tests.

Thank you so much Simone for helping so many people like us!!! 😉 ”