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Simone Braverman

Simone Braverman is the founder of and the author of several renowned IELTS preparation books, including Ace the IELTS, Target Band 7, the High Scorer's Choice practice test series, and IELTS Success Formula. Since 2005, Simone has been committed to making IELTS preparation accessible and effective through her books and online resources. Her work has helped 100,000's of students worldwide achieve their target scores and live their dream lives. When Simone isn't working on her next IELTS book, video lesson, or coaching, she enjoys playing the guitar or rollerblading.

IELTS in UAE and Ghana – September 2009 (Academic Module)

According to S. and J., IELTS exams in UAE and Ghana were the same, and the tasks in the Writing section were as in the IELTS in Sweden. Thank you guys for sharing what you remembered with everyone.

Listening test

Section 1: A police report about a burglary.
Questions: Filling personal information in the gaps.

Section 2: A telephone conversation about a water heater.
Questions: Labeling a diagram of a water heater.

Section 3: A conversation of 2 college students about a research in South African students entitled “Integrating a Retail System”.
Questions: Filling in the gaps.

Section 4: A lecturer talking about Organic fruits in Australia.
Questions: Filling in the gaps and multiple choice questions.

Reading test

Passage 1: Australia’s sugar cane industry.
Questions: What are the names of 5 persons mentioned and what they have said, plus some True/False/Not Given questions.

Passage 2: An expedition researching stone and rivers in Missouri.
Questions: Matching headings to each paragraph (B-G), True/False/Not Given questions, filling in the gaps.

Passage 3: Canadian immigrants and the building of railways connecting USA and Canada.
Questions: True/False/Not Given, locate a certain sentence in a paragraph.

Writing test

See IELTS exam in Sweden

Speaking test

– What is your name?
– Are you working or studying?
– Some questions about competitions.

Cue card
Talk about a person who won a competition, you should say:
– who that person was
– what he/she won
– when he/she won
– what you liked about this person and why

– Do you think only children can enjoy competitions?
– What do you think about the activities of children at school?
– Do you think competitions are good for children?
– What do you think are the characteristics of a good player?

IELTS in Sweden – September 2009 (Academic Module)

IELTS test in Sweden was described by F. (thanks a lot!), who shared the following questions from the Writing and Speaking tests.

Writing test

Writing Task 1

There were 3 pie charts about playing electronic games in Korea during the year of 2003.
– The first described in percent each age group were playing.
– The second showed how many percent of those who played were woman and how many were men.
– The third indicated how popular different kinds of categories of games were.

Simone says: This bit is important – do you remember our last homework with the 3 pie charts? This could be a new trend in the IELTS, so I suggest that you go back to it and practice. Click here to view the homework assignment with 3 charts.

Writing Task 2
The assignment was to write about the advantages of three different funding methods for education. They were:
1. Education funded by the government,
2. Education funded by the student
3. Education was funded by the student, but they were given a loan by the government, which they have to pay back after finishing their studies.

Speaking test

– What is your name?
– What should I call you?
– Where are you from?
– Tell me about your town.
– Do you like fruit and vegetables?

Cue card
Tell me about a conversation you had with someone that was very important to you. You should say:
– When it was.
– To whom you were speaking.
– Why the conversation was important to you.
– Was this the first time you have spoken to this person?

– Do you think it is important to eat a lot of vegetables?
– Why should you eat vegetables?
– Do you like to eat vegetables?