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Simone Braverman

Simone Braverman is the founder of and the author of several renowned IELTS preparation books, including Ace the IELTS, Target Band 7, the High Scorer's Choice practice test series, and IELTS Success Formula. Since 2005, Simone has been committed to making IELTS preparation accessible and effective through her books and online resources. Her work has helped 100,000's of students worldwide achieve their target scores and live their dream lives. When Simone isn't working on her next IELTS book, video lesson, or coaching, she enjoys playing the guitar or rollerblading.

IELTS Speaking questions from India – October 2009

IELTS test in India was remembered and shared by V. (thanks a lot!), who was asked the following questions in his Speaking test:

Speaking test

– What is your full name?
– What shall I call you?
– Do you study or work?
– What do you study?
– Why are you interested in this particular course?
– How often do you watch television?
– What programs do you watch?
– Is watching television important in one’s life?
– What is your opinion about advertisements on television?
– Did you buy any product because of its advertisements?

Cue card
Talk about a movie that you’ve seen at cinema or at home, you should say:
– Why did you like that movie?
– What was the movie about?
– What did you enjoy most in that movie?

First there were some questions related to television watching and advertisements.
– Do you find movies helpful in education?
– What movies do you like the most? Why?
– What movies people in your country prefer to watch?
– Where do you like to go to see a movie, to the cinema or home? Why?
– What is the difference between watching movies in the past when you were a child and now?

IELTS in Tokyo, Japan – October 2009 (Academic)

IELTS test in Japan was shared by K., whose awesome memory made it possible for us to enjoy the following topics and questions:

Listening test

Section 1: Job interview for a part time job.
Section 2: Introduction for an internship, the general idea of the company and some weekdays schedule.
Section 3: Two students are talking about a lecture they attend, one is studying accounting and the other is Japanese.
Section 4: A presentation of “Digital Life”.

Reading test

Passage 1: An article titled “Tourism Industry”.
Questions: Headings matching and True/False/Not Given questions.

Passage 2: An article titled “The way of purifying water by reeds”.
Questions: True/False/Not Given, Diagram labeling and Filling in the gaps.
Passage 3: An article titled “Ancient virus”.
Questions: Matching headings and multiple choice questions.

Writing test

Writing Task 1 (a report)
We had 2 tables that showed the number of students by each lecturer in Australian Universities from 1994 to 2007, and also the number of students by different type of lecture (Lecture-based and Laboratory-based) in 2003.

Writing Task 2 (an essay)
An increase in the production of consumer goods results in danger for the environment. Why is this the case? How we can avoid it?

Speaking test

I was asked questions about my workplace, a computer, my weekend activities.

Cue card
Describe a place where you would like to live abroad, you should say
– where it is,
– how you know about the place,
– and why you are interested in living there.

– What are the difficulties of studying a foreign language?
– What are the problems of living abroad and how can one overcome them?