Our kind friend F from Ghana has shared his IELTS Speaking questions.
– Where do you come from?
– Why do you like the place where you live now?
– Is it a good place to raise children?
– When did you first use the Internet?
– How often do you buy things online?
– In your country, at what age do people celebrate their most important birthday?
– What do people do on their birthdays?
Cue Card
I’d like you to talk about a photograph you once took. You should say
– When you took it
– Who you took it with
– What it shows
– Why you like this particular photograph
Follow up question: Have your friends seen this photograph?
– Does one necessarily need skills to take a good photograph?
– What can you say about people who take good pictures, yet have no skills?
– Why do you think some people don’t like having their photograph taken?