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IELTS test in India – June 2021 (Academic Module)

Thanks to our friends K.D. and K.S., we learnt this much about a recent IELTS exam in India:

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a report)

We were given a table showing the production of fresh fruit on each continent in a particular period of time. We were asked to summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

Nowadays foreign visitors show more interest in the museums of a country than its local residents do. Why is this happening? What can be done to attract more local residents to the museums of their country?

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Do you like meeting new people?
– How do you feel when people welcome you?
– How do you usually spend your weekends?
– What did you do last weekend?
– What are you going to do next weekend?
– Is there anything new that you would like to do on weekends?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Talk about a conversation topic you were not interested in. Please say

– when you had the conversation
– who you talked with
– what the topic was
– and explain why you were not interested in that topic.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– What topics do young people in India talk about?
– How do you know if others are not interested in the conversation?
– What is the influence of modern technology, such as the Internet and e-mail, on our communication?

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Simone Braverman is the founder of and the author of several renowned IELTS preparation books, including Ace the IELTS, Target Band 7, the High Scorer's Choice practice test series, and IELTS Success Formula. Since 2005, Simone has been committed to making IELTS preparation accessible and effective through her books and online resources. Her work has helped 100,000's of students worldwide achieve their target scores and live their dream lives. When Simone isn't working on her next IELTS book, video lesson, or coaching, she enjoys playing the guitar or rollerblading.