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IELTS Speaking questions from Bangladesh – January 2024

IELTS Speaking New Questions Bangladesh January 2024

A caring IELTS test taker MS was one of the first people to take the IELTS test in 2024. He shared the following Speaking questions (his exam took place in Bangladesh):

Test tip: Go over these questions and think of some things to say and what vocabulary you would use. IELTS Speaking test questions and topic areas are known to repeat in many countries! Being familiar with the topic and specific questions increases your chances of success.

Once you have some ideas, answer the questions and record yourself. Then listen to your recording and check your fluency, intonation, gaps in vocabulary or words you may have mispronounced. Re-record anything you are not happy with, and you’ll see that your next attempt sounds better already!

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– Can you tell me your full name, please?
– Let’s talk about noise. How does noise affect your daily life?
– In your opinion, is noise more important in private life or public life? Why?
– Are there any activities you do that produce more noise? Can you give an example?
– Do you prefer working in a quiet or a noisy environment? Why?
– How do you deal with unwanted noise in your surroundings?
– Is there a type of noise that you find particularly annoying?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe an admirable sports person. You should say:

– who he/she is
– why you admire him/her
– what he/she achieved

and explain why you think people should follow his/her example.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– Do you think all athletes should be considered as role models or idols? Why or why not?
– What role do famous athletes play in promoting sporting activities among the general public?
– How important is it for children to be involved in sports from a young age?
– Why do you think some parents focus only on academic achievements and not on sporting activities for their children?
– Can involvement in sports help in a child’s overall development? How?
– How can schools balance academic and sporting education for the overall development of students?

Avinash went from Band 7 to Band 9 in Listening, in just a month

IELTS High Scorer's Advice Band 8 Tips January 2024

This post is dedicated to an amazing person, Avinash, who faced a ‘do-or-die’ situation. IELTS Band 9 in Listening was the only thing that could save him from having to leave the USA and go back to India. It would give him an opportunity to live his best life in Canada.

His journey was nerve-wracking and looked hopeless at times, but… he made it! This is a story best told by the person who lived it. Hear it from Avinash, in his own words:


I was in an interesting phase of my life and changed my life for good. I wanted to emigrate from the US to Canada and the Canadian immigration needed a high score in listening (Band 9) to award the most points to high skilled immigrants.


No matter how many tests I took I always ended up with a band 7 in Listening. Test after test, the score would not move. Needless to say, my frustration was through the roof. I stopped taking Listening tests, instead I started listening to BBC podcast and other audio files that have nothing to do with IELTS.

A month passed by and I took one test and I was back to square one – no change in my score. Listening was the only section I needed the highest score and it was the only section I would score less month after month. I was willing to do anything to improve my score, my life depended on it. I was literally getting kicked out from the US due to visa issues. IELTS was my way in to another country, Canada. I was devastated!


A few days later, I summoned up courage and started with a Google search on how to improve Listening and with some divine intervention I stumbled upon The Listening strategies I read on it hit home for me. I read them over and over again until they registered in my brain. Before I was ready to take another IELTS listening test I practiced the strategies discussed on the blog. I have taken the High Scorer’s Choice Tests 1 – 10 and they are some of the best practice exams one can use to best prepare themselves for the real IELTS test.

Another month passed by. The stakes were high and I needed this to work. I took a mock test and lo and behold, it worked! I got a good 38 out of 40 in my very first attempt. There was nothing holding me back now and I took the actual test within a week. I can tell you these techniques work. Practice and witness the results yourself. I got a band 9 in Listening and all the credit goes to

Lessons Learned

My experience with IELTS was different from all the other tests I took in the past as a student, namely TOEFL and GRE. They were technical and required a lot of uncommon use of words/vocabulary. IELTS seems deceptively simple up to band 7 to 7.5 but to truly get a higher score one has to understand the test in intricate details. At the time I was working full-time and to realize that IELTS requires a certain style of preparation took me a long time. It was only after going through several of your blog posts that I realized the technicalities of the test and not just the language per se.

It is hard to commit yourself to a consistent prep time when you are working or juggling kids in everyday life, but, when read carefully, gives you the formula to crack the exam. As an engineer this appeals the most to me and sets apart this blog from hundreds out there. Being a non-native English speaker I always underestimated the knowledge of language I had whenever I got a lower score. However, I have realized most of us have what it takes to crack the exam, it is the hidden formula you need to know to get a high score.

Congratulations on your amazing Band 9, Avinash!

Best IELTS test result December 2023