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IELTS test in Canada – March 2024 (General Training)

IELTS General Training Latest Questions March 2024

Our lovely student KK took IELTS in Canada and remembered the writing questions below:

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a letter)

You have joined a sports club recently, and you are experiencing some problems. Write letter to club manager. In your letter

– Say why you joined the club
– Explain about the problems you are experiencing
– Suggest solutions to fix them

Read a Band 8 answer here

Writing task 2 (an essay)

Nowadays, many people spend their free time watching movies. Why do they do that? Is it a positive or a negative development?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Tips for success in the IELTS Writing Test

To get a high Band Score for your letter, make sure that you

  • Address each bullet point clearly.
  • Organise your ideas in paragraphs – write 1 paragraph on each bullet point.
  • Use the correct tone and vocabulary – in a letter to a friend use informal language.
  • Manage your time – allocate time for planning, writing and proofreading, and spend no more than 20 minutes in total on Writing Task 1.

To write an essay that will score well in IELTS, make sure that you

  • Make your position clear throughout the essay.
  • Structure your essay correctly – there should be an introduction, body and conclusion.
  • Use formal vocabulary.
  • Use a mix of sentence types (simple, compound, complex) to show your language proficiency.
  • Leave some time to proofread your essay before turning it in.

IELTS Speaking questions from Uzbekistan – March 2024

IELTS Speaking New Questions Uzbekistan March 2024

Our lovely student JD took IELTS in Uzbekistan very recently. He was asked these Speaking questions:

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– Let’s talk about what you are currently doing.
– Do you work or are you a student?
– What do you study at university?
– Why did you choose that university?
– What are your future plans, who do you want to be?
– Let’s talk about numbers.
– Which numbers are popular in your country?
– Are you good at remembering numbers?
– Will you use numbers in the future?
– Did you like math lessons in school?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe someone who cooked a special meal for you. You should say

– who it was
– what meal it was
– why he/she cooked a special meal for you

and explain how you felt about it.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– Is meat popular in your country?
– Who eats more meat, men or women?
– In your opinion, will people in your country stop eating meat in the future?
– Why do many people buy unhealthy foods?
– How can governments encourage their citizens to choose healthy foods?
– What can cause people to change their eating habits?