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IELTS Speaking test in Bangladesh – October 2023

IELTS Speaking Latest Questions Bangladesh October 2023

The following Speaking test questions were shared by our generous subscriber A who recently took IELTS in Bangladesh.

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– Where are you from?
– Where do you live now?
– How do you feel about the area where you live?
– Have there been any recent changes to your area? What are they?
– Do you like these changes? Why / why not?
– Do you consider yourself healthy?
– How do you maintain your health?
– What type of exercise do you engage in?
– Why do you like this type of exercise?
– Do people in your country exercise regularly?
– Do people in your country care about their health?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a traditional celebration (festival or ceremony) in your country that you enjoy. You should say

– what it is
– what you do to celebrate it
– who you celebrate it with

and explain why you enjoy it.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– How much do you enjoy festivals or traditional celebrations?
– How many traditional celebrations are there in your home country?
– How are these festivals celebrated?
– Is there any difference between traditional celebrations now and in the past?
– Is it important to teach children about customs and traditions in school?
– Do people in your country like celebrating birthdays or weddings?
– Are food and music important aspects of a wedding celebration?

IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer: Describe an area of science you’re interested in

IELTS Model Speaking Answers Band 9, 2023

Here is a Band 9 Speaking Part 2 answer for the cue card “Describe an area of science you’re interested in”. This cue card has been seen recently in many test centres around the world. The answer below shows a good way to respond to this question.

Watch and listen in the video, or read the model answer below:

Speaking test

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe an area of science you’re interested in. You should say

– when you first heard about it
– where it happened
– how you heard about it

and explain why you are interested in this area of science.


You know, genetics has always been this captivating puzzle for me. I can trace this interest back to high school, in Ms. Johnson’s biology class. She had this knack for taking these mind-boggling concepts and turning them into fascinating tales. So, there I was, sitting in class one day, and she starts unraveling the mystery of DNA – you know, that tiny code that’s like the instruction manual for life.

Can you imagine? In those microscopic strands, all the things that make us who we are – from the way we smile to why some of us can taste bitterness more intensely. It’s like we’re all characters in this incredible genetic novel, each chapter telling a different story about our ancestry.

But what really got me hooked was the idea of inheritance. You look at your parents, your grandparents, and suddenly, everything clicks. I realised that my love for music and Dad’s knack for fixing things – it’s all written in our genes. It’s like we inherit this unique family legacy, not just in traits but in the quirks and talents that make us special.

The real magic happens when you think about how this knowledge is shaping our world. Personalised medicine, for instance – it’s mind-blowing. Doctors can tailor treatments based on our genetic makeup, ensuring they’re not just effective but also safer for us. And agriculture? Genetically modified crops are revolutionising the way we grow food, making it more resilient and accessible to millions.

Every time I dive into this genetic world, I feel like I’m on this incredible adventure. It’s not just about science; it’s about understanding ourselves and our place in the grand scheme of things. It’s like peering into the code of life itself. The more I learn, the more I’m convinced that genetics isn’t just a subject – it’s a journey into the very essence of what makes us human.

Read more model answers on the VIP Club website