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IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer (Describe an English lesson you enjoyed)

Here is a high-scoring Speaking Test Part 2 model answer for the cue card that was shared by a student from Italy. The answer shows a good way to respond to this question.

Speaking test

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Talk about an English lesson you enjoyed. You should say

– when you took the lesson
– where you took the lesson
– what you learned in the lesson
– and explain what the teacher did to make this lesson enjoyable.


I enjoyed an English lesson that I took during a recent English course that I enrolled in over the summer. The lesson took place at my local community centre. I had been wanting to brush up on my English skills and the summer break seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so.

The class was only an hour long, but it was packed with interesting and informative material. During the lesson we focused on vocabulary building and reading comprehension. We started by looking at some new words and practising how to pronounce them correctly. Then, we moved on to look at some texts from books or articles related to the topic we were discussing that day. This gave us a chance to practice our language skills by identifying important words from the text, determining their meaning based on context clues, and then constructing meaningful sentences using those words.

The teacher delivering the lesson was wonderful; she was extremely knowledgeable about English grammar and Literature as well as very patient and engaging with all of us in class. She encouraged us to use creative ways of expressing ourselves in order to better understand the material we were learning, such as role-playing conversations between two people or writing short stories based on a piece of text that we read together. She also made sure to provide frequent breaks so that everyone could take a breather and process what they had learned so far.

Overall, it was a very enjoyable experience because the teacher understood how challenging learning a new language can be, and created an atmosphere that was both fun and educational. It’s something I’ll never forget!

Read more model answers on the VIP Club website

IELTS test in Canada – January 2023 (General Training)

Our friend S.N. took IELTS in Canada very recently and remembered the following questions:

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a letter)

The sports centre that you regularly visit has a problem with some of its equipment. Write a letter to the centre manager. In your letter

– Let them know about the problem
– Describe how it has affected you
– Explain why it should be fixed soon.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

Some people believe that schoolchildren should be allowed to make decisions about the school rules, while others think that teachers should be responsible for making the rules. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– Can I see your passport?
– What is your name?
– Where do you live?
– What do you like about it?
– How often are you involved in your community?
– Do you drive or use public transport?
– How is today’s public transport in your city different from the past?
– What is the condition of public transport?
– Do you think a private vehicle is better than public transport?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Talk about a recent outing you had. Please say

– where you went
– who was there with you
– what you did
– and explain why you remember this outing.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– Why do you think people go out frequently?
– Who goes out more, younger or older people, and why?
– Should the government encourage the public to go out by offering incentives?
– What do you think is the role of experience in making someone an expert?
– Do you think travel is as important as reading to expanding a person’s knowledge?
– Is experience more important for teenagers or for older people?

1) The Listening test was in the same format as in the book Cambridge IELTS 17.
2) Reading Passage 1 was the exact same text from Cambridge IELTS 17.