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IELTS test in Italy – November 2022 (Academic Module)

The questions below were shared by our caring friend who recently took IELTS in Italy:

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a report)

The charts below provide information on energy consumption of the UK in 2010 and 2020.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

IELTS Writing Task 1 pie charts of energy consumption of the UK

* Note: these aren’t the actual charts given in the test, they were recreated for the purpose of demonstration.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

Nowadays many teenagers have a celebrity who they follow as a role model. Some people think this is not a good idea, because celebrities often set a bad example. Do you agree or disagree?

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– What is the weather like in your hometown?
– Do you have a favourite season?
– Why is this season your favourite?
– How often do you check the weather? Why?
– Have your plans ever been affected by the weather?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Talk about an English lesson you enjoyed. You should say

– when you took the lesson
– where you took the lesson
– what you learned in the lesson
– and explain what the teacher did to make this lesson enjoyable.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– Which language in your opinion is the most important in the world nowadays, and why?
– Why is it so important to know another language?
– Is travel the only reason why learning another language is beneficial?
– What is the hardest part of learning a new language?
– Do you think learning another language is more important for young people or old people?
– Who finds learning a new language easier, children or adults?

IELTS Speaking test in Canada, with answers – November 2022

Here are some high-scoring Part 1 model answers for Speaking Test that was shared by a test taker from Canada. The answers show a good way to respond to these questions. You can find Part 2 (cue card) and Part 3 answers on the VIP Club website.

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

1. Where do you live at the moment?

Right now, I live in a tiny one-bedroom apartment in the heart of the city. It’s quite cramped for space, but the view from the balcony is phenomenal since you can see the entire city from it.

2. Who do you live with, and why?

I live alone, mostly because my apartment is too small to have a roommate, and also, I am a bit of an introvert and prefer to have my own space where I can relax and recharge after work.

3. Do you like snacks?

Yes, I do. I think most people like snacks, they just prefer different types of snacks. In my case, I love snacking on peanuts and raisins, especially while I am watching a TV show or a movie.

4. What time of the day do you prefer to have snacks and why?

I usually have a snack in the afternoon on most weekdays. This is because I often get swamped at work and don’t have time for a proper lunch break, so I grab whatever I can find to give me a boost. This could be anything from a bar of chocolate to crisps.

5. Do you think snacking is a healthy habit?

In my case it is definitely not healthy at all. That’s because it ruins my appetite before dinner and then I end up snacking again late at night. You could say it messes up my internal cues. What’s worse is that most of the snacks I eat are processed foods that are either full of sugar or added salt. They are not worth the extra calories, but I just can’t seem to shake this unhealthy habit.

6. What were your favourite snacks as a child?

As a kid I just loved marshmallows, and my dad would usually buy me a bunch when he came home from work. My sister and I would make a cheat version of Smores with them in the microwave and they were just divine!

7. If you had a child, what snacks would you give him/her?

I would like to think that I would offer my child healthier alternatives like roasted nuts, dried fruit, and flavoured yoghurt as snacks. However, I think every kid deserves the occasional candy bar every now and then.

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Talk about a person from another culture (such as a friend or a teacher). You should say
– who the person is
– how you met him/her
– where you met
– and explain what you learnt about his/her cultural background.

Read a model answer on the VIP Club website

Part 3 (Discussion)

– Is it easy to communicate with people from another culture?
– What difficulties do we face when we talk to a person from another culture?
– Is language barrier the main problem or are there other difficulties? What are they?
– Do you think if there was just one language in the world, people from different cultural backgrounds could communicate more easily?
– What would be the impact of a different culture on the local culture?

Read model answers on the VIP Club website