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IELTS test in India – March 2021 (Academic Module)

Thanks to P.R. who recently took IELTS in India we can share the questions she remembered:

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a report)

We were given a bar graph describing games played by different age groups and on different devices.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

More and more people are leaving the countryside and moving to cities. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages?

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– How may I address you?
– Do you work or study?
– Why did you choose this profession?

– Do you find remembering names difficult?
– Did you ever upset someone by pronouncing their name incorrectly?
– Did you ever feel bad when somebody pronounced your name incorrectly?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Talk about a time when you were bored. Please say

– When it was
– Where it was
– Why you were bored
– And explain how you felt about it.

Follow up question: Do you get bored often?

Part 3 (Discussion)

– Do young people get bored more easily than old people?
– Why do people feel under pressure?
– Why do people feel that they have less time nowadays, even though they still have the same 24 hours?
– Why do some people think that spending free time doing leisure activities is a waste of time?
– Do you think when someone is doing leisure activities they are wasting time?

Talk about a person who openly expresses their feelings (model answers for Speaking Part 2 & 3)

In today’s IELTS Speaking lesson Adam, our Speaking examiner who worked for the British Council for 10 years, will show you ways to answer a Cue Card (Speaking Part 2) question about a person who openly expresses their feelings, and the Speaking Part 3 questions related to it, about people and their feelings.

You will learn:
– what you can say (and whether it’s OK to lie!)
– vocabulary and how to use it in a sentence
– expressions for scoring Band 7 to 9
– grammar you can use to raise your score

So, grab a pen and paper and spend the next 15 minutes raising your IELTS score beyond what you thought was possible!

Watch the video on YouTube here


Go here to get Adam to assess your Speaking, estimate you the score you’re likely to get now and tell you how to score higher.

The Part 2 topic Adam talks about in this lesson is,

Describe a person you know who shows their feelings very openly. You should say:

– Who this person is
– How well you know this person
– How you feel about this person
– And explain why you think this person shows their feelings so openly.

Adam saw many test takers hesitate when they got this question, and that is why he knew he had to show you a great way to answer it. Make sure to watch Adam’s model answer for it here.

The Part 3 questions Adam talks about are below. For every question Adam suggests an answer, including some great expressions and impressive vocabulary. Go here to watch his Part 3 answers.

Speaking Part 3 questions

– What are some of the different ways people show their feelings?
– Do you think that children show their feelings more often than adults do?
– Do you think that women and men express their emotions in different ways?
– How might a person’s life improve if they were better able to express their emotions?
– What might be some negative aspects if one is too open with their feelings?
– Do you think people are more open about their feelings now than they were in the past?
– Why do you think many employers try to recruit staff who are sensitive to co-workers’ feelings?
– Do you think it’s true that most people use emotion to make decisions, not logic?
– How do you feel about the idea that great leaders need emotional maturity more than they need intelligence?

Go here to watch Adam’s model Part 3 Speaking answers.