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Target Band 7: From New Release to #1 Best Seller

Whoa, what was that?! Thank you so much, my Japanese readers! You made ‘Target Band 7’ the #1 Best Seller on Amazon Japan!

Yesterday morning I was at my computer, working on IELTS materials, writing blog posts, replying to people who needed some urgent advice on their IELTS exams, discussing some website enhancements with the developers, in a word – getting through my typical crazy morning, and then… this happened!

I saw ‘Target Band 7’ on Amazon Japan. Listed with a #1 Best Seller Badge. Whaaaat?!

I released the fourth edition of ‘Target Band 7’ just a few months ago, and it took a while to become available on Amazon Japan. But once it got there, YOU took control – nothing was up to me anymore. You chose it, you gave it prominence, and your 5-star ratings took it to the top of the charts.

Ranking on Amazon may not last long, but it felt awesome and I wanted to thank YOU straight away.

For anyone who isn’t familiar with ‘Target Band 7’, is a strategy book that helps you maximize your IELTS score. It transforms your preparation from chaotic and frustrating to systematic, productive and enjoyable. And the best part? It’s guaranteed to work. It doesn’t matter if you are working long hours, have other commitments to worry about or suffering from exam anxiety.

If you are serious about scoring Band 7 or higher in IELTS, this book is for you.

IELTS Speaking test in India – October 2021

The questions below were shared by A.R. who took his IELTS Speaking test in India.

Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Do you live in an apartment or a house?
– Do you like living there?
– Would you like to move somewhere else?
– Let’s talk about clothes.
– How often do you wear special clothes?
– Do you remember wearing special clothes in your childhood?
– When was the last time you wore a special outfit?
– Do you like wearing traditional clothes?

Cue Card

Describe a talent or an interest you had in your childhood (such as singing, dancing, doing crafts, etc). Please say

– What was the talent or interest?
– How did you discover your talent?
– How did you try to develop it?
– Why were you interested in that?


– Do your friends know about your talent?
– Do you think it is important for a children to have special talent?
– Should parents help them to develop their talent?
– What do you think about parents forcing their children into something?
– What should everyone do to take their special talent to the next level?