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Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 – How to Describe Tables

In today’s video lesson Adam (our own ex-IELTS examiner with 10 years of experience) will show you how to approach the Academic Writing Task 1 that many consider the most challenging – a table. The reason test takers have a hard time describing tables is because there is a lot of information, and trying to include all of it would take too long. It would also be the opposite of what the examiner wants you to do!

With a table you need to decide what you will be comparing, and be selective about the data you are mentioning. In this video Adam shows you the things you should pay attention to and gives you a method how to approach a table.

Watch the lesson on YouTube, or below:


One important thing about the table is ‘When?‘. When are you comparing? Is it the past, the present or the future? It is important to think about the time and choose the verb tense according to that, because it will give you a higher score.

Another important thing about the table is its Totals. If you draw a line showing whether the numbers went up or down, visualising this will help you write your report. In the video you can see how Adam did it, and you can do the same in your test.

Giving a score to the categories (cars, buses & coaches, pedal cycles, etc.) to show which had the highest numbers will also help you. You can then group categories with the highest and the lowest scores together, to avoid describing each of them separately. Watch Adam do it in the video and do the same on your table.

Marking the categories that went up over the years with an arrow pointing up, and categories that went down with an arrow pointing down can also be a helpful visual tool. It is important to include that information in your report.

And this is just a taste of what’s in the video – so make sure to watch it in full, because an IELTS examiner is the best person to show you how to write high-scoring IELTS reports!

Adam doesn’t give you a model response in this lesson, because he would like you to have a go and write your own. But if you’d like to see a Band 9 sample, check out our High Scorer’s Choice IELTS practice tests. This particular topic can be found in Package 2 and we also provide a model response for it, as well as all the other writing tasks.

Enjoy the lesson!

IELTS essay, topic: Is using physical force to discipline children acceptable (opinion)?

This is a model response to a Writing Task 2 topic from High Scorer’s Choice IELTS Practice Tests book series (reprinted with permission). This answer is close to IELTS Band 9.

Set 4 Academic book, Practice Test 16

Writing Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people today believe that it is acceptable to use physical force to discipline children, but others feel it is completely unacceptable.

Discuss this view and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words.

Sample Band 9 Essay

Punishing children with physical force, or corporal punishment as it is also called, is something that was accepted not so long ago and people over the age of forty may well remember it. Nowadays, however, corporal punishment is against the law in most countries and adults who practise it can be taken to court. Children are always a vulnerable group and they depend on adults for protection and education. Of course, part of the growing up process is testing and breaking boundaries and it is nearly always necessary to instill discipline on a child. Whether or not it is necessary to use physical force to do so can be a very emotive subject.

Supporters of corporal punishment often defend their standpoint by explaining that the corporal punishment is not, or should not be, excessive. They do not argue that a child should be beaten severely until he or she is bruised or cut. They argue that just the infliction of mild pain causes effective discipline and also the fear that it might be applied. People who grew up experiencing it might offer this point of view.

Those who oppose using physical force on a child would say that the vulnerability and innocence of a child means that force should never be used. Children need to trust adults and believe that no harm will come to them. Additionally, children learn from adults and it is argued that corporal punishment will only teach children that force is an answer to various problems. It is also claimed that corporal punishment has no added benefits over other forms of discipline that do not require physical force. Using it can cause psychological harm to children and should be classed as child abuse.

Personally, I do not believe that limited use of forms of corporal punishment can cause harm, and a parent who administers a mild form of it to his or her child should not be subject to criminal proceedings. Nevertheless, I would not use it myself. I can also recognise the possibilities of adults who are not a child’s parents misusing corporal punishment. Therefore, I believe that on balance physical force to discipline children should not be permitted.

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