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IELTS test in Australia – January 2021 (Academic Module)

Our wonderful friend R.K. recently took the IELTS test in Australia and shared the following questions:

Listening test

Part 1. A phone conversation between a customer and a receptionist about holiday accommodation.
Questions: fill in the blanks (one word).

Part 2. Map of a park.
Questions: choose from labels A-H.

Part 3. Four students were talking about their new professors.
Questions: match student names to their statements, multiple choice.

Part 4. A lecture on the clothing industry.
Questions: fill in the blanks (2 words).

Reading test

Passage 1. Don’t remember.
Passage 2. Graffiti: Art or Crime?
Passage 3. A text about the law of reflection and angles of reflection.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a report)

We were given a bar chart describing house prices in England and in its capital (London), in 1998 and 2013. We had to describe the graph and compare its features.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

Some people think that children should study in school the subject of science of food and how to prepare it properly. Other think it is a waste of time, because there are more important subjects to study. Discuss both views and give your opinion with reasons and relevant examples.

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– How often do you go for picnics?
– Where do people like to go for picnics in your country?
– With whom do you like to go?
– When and with whom did you last go for a picnic?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Talk about a decision you made recently. Please say

– What the decision was
– When and where you made it
– How you felt after making this decision.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– How often do you make decisions independently?
– Are you a good decision maker?
– When should children start making their own decisions?
– Why do some people find it hard to make everyday decisions?

How to prepare for ALL IELTS Speaking Introduction questions

Any IELTS Speaking test starts with introduction questions. What are they? The introduction questions are always about where you live, what you do for work, or what you study. After these questions the examiner goes on to some other topics. It is important to have a good start to your Speaking test, because it will help you feel more confident and calm for the next part.

To start your next IELTS speaking test feeling fully in control and ready, watch this video.

Adam will give you all the possible introduction questions you might be asked. He will act as the examiner and ask you the questions, and you can pause the video and practice answering them.

Adam has been an examiner for 10 years, and he can guarantee that the intro questions never really change! Even though they mix them around, there aren’t many ways to ask someone where they live, what kind of job they have, or what they are studying.

All the questions Adam is asking also appear on the screen for you to read, if you missed something he said.

Let your practice begin… now!

Watch the video on YouTube here


Go here to get Adam to assess your Speaking, estimate you the score you’re likely to get now and tell you how to score higher.

In the video

Live 1
Do you live in a house or an apartment? (Why?)
What does your house /apartment look like? (Why?)
What can you see from your window?

Live 2
What kind of house or apartment do you live in?
Do you enjoy living in this house/apartment?
Are there any shops or other facilities near your home?

Live 3
Do you like the place where you live now?
Do you know many people who live near you?
Is your area a good place for families with children?

Live 4
Do you live in a house or an apartment? (Why?)
What is your favourite room in your home? (Why?)
Do you think you will move home in the near future? (Why/why not?)

Live 5
How far away from here are you living at the moment?
How long have you lived in your part of town?
Is your part of town an interesting place? (Why/why not?)

Work 1
What do you do?
When did you decide to do this kind of work? (Why?)
Is there anything you don’t like about your job? (Why/why not?)

Work 2
Do you work better in the morning or the afternoon?
What do you enjoy the most about your work?
Has your work changed since you started your job? (How?)

Work 3
What sort of job do you do?
Do you find the work easy? (Why/why not?)
Do you think your job will change much in the future? (Why/why not?)

Work 4
What job do you do?
At what time of day do you work best?
Have you made friends with the people you work with? (Why/why not?)

Work 5
What kind of work do you do?
Why did you choose this kind of work?
Did you enjoy your first day in this job? (Why/why not?)

Study 1
What subjects are you studying?
When did you decide to study this/these subjects (Why?)
Is there anything you don’t like about your studies? (Why/why not?)

Study 2
Do you study better in the morning or afternoon? (Why?)
What do you enjoy the most about your studies? (Why?)
Is your course different to what you expected? (Why/why not?)

Study 3
What subject do you study?
Do you find this/these subjects easy? (Why/why not?)
What job do you hope to do after you finish your studies?

Study 4
What are you studying?
At what time of day do you study best? (Why?)
Have you made friends with the people you study with? (Why/why not?)

Study 5
Where are you studying?
Why did you choose to study there?
Did you enjoy your first day there? (Why/why not?)