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IELTS Speaking test in Canada – January 2021

Thanks to our kind friend P.T. who recently took IELTS in Canada, we can share his Speaking questions today:

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– Can you show me your ID card?
– Where do you live?
– Do you like the area where you live?
– Is the place suitable for families with children?
– Do you get up early in the morning?
– Why do you wake up early?
– Do you like singing?
– Did you sing when you were a child?
– Would you pay for singing classes?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a festival that is important in your country. You should say:

– when the festival is celebrated
– what people do during this festival
– what you like or dislike about it
– and explain why this festival is important in your country.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– What other festivals are celebrated in your culture?
– Nowadays some festivals are disappearing, is this a positive or a negative thing?
– In what way are today’s festivals different from those in the past?
– Do you think people will create new festivals in the future? Why/why not?

Student success: Adejumoke and Harun reveal how they got IELTS Band 7.5+

Today we would like you to meet Adejumoke and Harun, the winners of our December round of IELTS results competition, not only because they were successful in IELTS, but also because they are trying to help YOU get a great score, too. By sharing their story, their experience they are shining the light on the path YOU can take. Have a read and think about your IELTS practice sessions – could they benefit from the same things Adejumoke and Harun did?

Adejumoke is from Nigeria, she got the Overall Band Score of 7.5 in a computer-delivered IELTS test. In her experience, practicing with the right materials makes a difference. Adejumoke said,

“I came across briefly through a friend. I decided to subscribe and I followed tips supplied via email. When I was convinced and I realised I needed to practice with a textbook, I chose High Scorers Choice Practice Test General Training 1+2+3, followed the instructions and downloaded the required recordings. I read through the testimonials of others and I believed I can’t be an exception, I would put in my best. I followed the tips diligently for each module – Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, practiced each test, marked my answers, listened while looking at transcripts (in Listening). Every word, text, tips and advice packaged by Simone, they are real and am sure with diligence and concentration you can be THE BEST you choose to be.”

Harun is from Nigeria too. His Overall Band Score is 8.0 with a straight 9 in Listening! Harun says that the SECRET to success is to stop looking for secrets! Here is his story:

“Thank you for the opportunity to share my IELTS tips with many others. The main secret to success in taking the IELTS is to realize that there are absolutely no secrets. All the materials and information needed are out there for candidates to utilize.

Just like a running a marathon requires continuous practice, so does the IELTS. I fully utilized the resources at my disposal to practice, practice and practice. I began by watching videos on YouTube to brush up the general concepts and familiarize myself with the exam format and marking scheme.

Then, I took two mock exams online (timed) to assess my strengths and weaknesses. I was deficient in writing, so I had to dedicate more time to it.

Finally, I began practicing past questions with more emphasis on my weak areas. I timed myself during practicing and sourced questions from

On the exam day, I was very punctual and had a good breakfast to sustain me. I used the bathroom just before the screening process began and I entered the exam hall with my bottle of water. I hope this would help someone.”

We would like to thank Adejumoke and Harun for sharing their stories, and congratulate them on their great IELTS scores!