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How to stop using ‘so’ to quickly improve your IELTS score

Linking words ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘so’ and ‘because’, just like other words, have synonyms which help you avoid using the same word over and over again. We all are guilty of overusing these linkers sometimes, and the reason is, we haven’t trained our brain to replace them. If I had a coin for every time I said ‘so’, I’d be rich!

Why should you make an effort to avoid using ‘so’? To increase your IELTS score, of course! As an ex-examiner Adam knows the power of what happens when you stop using these four simple words and start using their synonyms instead. Last week he covered ‘because’ and in today’s video he takes the word ‘so’ and shows you how you can live without it!

Watch the lesson on YouTube, or below:


A quick sneak peak at what’s in the video:

Accordingly – He did not complain to the police, accordingly, the police did not take any action (instead of ‘so, the police did not take any action’).

Then – Take a break now, then you won’t be so tired later today (instead of ‘so you won’t be so tired later today’).

Consequently – All the restaurants were closed, and consequently we had to make dinner at home (instead of ‘and so we had to make dinner at home’).

Thus – He is not satisfied, thus we must prepare a new proposal (instead of ‘so we must prepare a new proposal’).

Hence – A better working environment improves people’s attitude, and hence productivity also increases (instead of ‘and so productivity also increases’).

And of course there are more ways to avoid saying ‘so’ – keep watching until the very end.

Happy learning!

IELTS Speaking test in the UAE – February 2021

When J.P. took IELTS in Dubai, UAE, he was asked the following questions in Speaking. Many thanks for sharing, J.P!

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you live in a flat or a house?
– Describe your place.
– What can you see from your window?
– Do you prefer several short breaks or one long one?
– What do you do during your break?
– Do you sleep during breaks?
– What is one important festival that you celebrate in your country?
– How did you celebrate it last year?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe an occasion when you tried a new food for the first time. Please say

– When was it?
– Where was it?
– What was the food?
– And explain whether you liked it or not, and why.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– What kind of food is popular in your country?
– Do older and younger people have different food preferences? In what way?
– Do you think young people will change their taste in food in the future?
– Who should be responsible for teaching children healthy food habits, teachers or their families?
– Can social media influence people to follow healthy eating habits?