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IELTS Speaking test in Iran – January 2020

Our friend V recently took the IELTS test in Iran and remembered the following Speaking questions:

Speaking testIELTS test in Iran

Part 1 (Interview)

– Can you tell me your full name, please?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you like your job?
– What is the reason that you chose this job?
– Do you borrow money?
– Is it important to you to be able to borrow money?
– Have other people ever borrowed something from you?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a well known musical band that you know. Please say

– When did you discover this band?
– Where can you listen to them?
– What kind of music do they play?

Part 3 (Discussion)

– What are the qualities of a good singer?
– Does education play a role in a person’s likelihood of becoming a good singer?
– Why is traditional music important for children?
– Is it true that environment influences music?

IELTS test in Pakistan and Greece – January 2020 (Academic Module)

Below are the IELTS questions from recent exams in Pakistan and Greece. The two exams were held on the same day and the questions were identical, thank-you to J, N and V for sharing.

Listening testIELTS test in Pakistan

Part 1. A conversation between two people about a holiday prize.
Questions: 2 questions were fill in the blanks, 5 questions were multiple choice (instead of fill in the blanks that we are used to) and 3 questions were ‘choose 3 items from 7’.

Part 2. A map with questions on it.

Part 3. Two students were talking about academic subjects.
Questions: multiple choice, sentence completion.

Part 4. A scientist was talking about a plant.
Questions: 10 fill in the blanks.

Note: We had 45 seconds to check the answers at the end of every Part.

Reading test

Passage 1. Floods in the Great Canyon.
Questions: True/False/Not Given, fill in the blanks.

Passage 2. Schools in Msekeni in Africa.
Questions: matching headings to paragraphs, fill in the blanks, match a writer to information.

Passage 3. Innovation in companies and fears.
Questions: matching paragraphs to sentences, True/False/Not Given, multiple choice.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a report)

We received two pie charts with information about vehicle exports by a company in three years (1996, 2006 and 2016). We were asked to report the main features and compare/contrast where possible.

Writing Task 2 (an essay)

Many people believe that individuals are responsible for their own happiness, while others think happiness is dependent on other external factors. Discuss both views and include your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and examples from your experience.