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IELTS Results competition winners in January 2020

A new year is a new beginning, a chance to change things, start fresh, and take a different path in life. I am sure many of us intended to start a new life in 2020, and we can be certain that for the 7 people you are about to meet, this … is… happening!

Let’s put our hands together for the owners of best IELTS Results in January 2020:

Academic Module – 1st placeBand 9 in IELTS

  • Mozhdeh Jafaridoulabi from Iran, Band 8
  • Aye Chan Kyaw from Myanmar, Band 8

Academic Module – 2nd place

  • Waleed Tayyab Buttar from Pakistan, Band 7.5

General Training Module – 1st place

  • Omar Brown from Jamaica, Band 8.5

General Training Module – 2nd place

  • Durga Priya Namdevsingh from India, Band 7.5
  • Moshaddak Hossain from Bangladesh, Band 7.5
  • Sejal Paresh Shah from India, Band 7.5

Congratulations to our winners! As a token of our appreciation we are sending your certificates of achievement to your emails. Winning IELTS results will be displayed in the IELTS-Blog hall of fame – so if you won, please feel free to show them off to your friends!

How did they score so well?

We’re always interested to find out from the winners how they did it. Some of them are our students (Moshaddak and Durga used our writing correction service), as for the others we just know they subscribed to our daily IELTS emails. I’d like to ask all the winners – please be kind to the other test takers who are still preparing for their IELTS exams. Do share your stories and tell us how you studied, and what helped you achieve success in IELTS. Any useful tips will be shared on, so everyone can use the same technique and get a better score in their own exam this month.

We are expecting responses from our winners and as soon as we get their tips, we will post them on The first IELTS results competition we held 11 (!) years ago was our very first step towards connecting successful test takers with everyone else. Winners have obviously done a lot of things right, and by sharing their tips, ‘secrets’ and advice they are helping thousands of others achieve great results in IELTS. is proud to be the channel for the experience and wisdom of high scorers to reach every IELTS test taker in the world!

So if YOU got a high score in IELTS, no matter when – this month, last month, a few months ago – we want to hear from you! We would like to extend our warm invitation to everyone who is happy with their IELTS score. Take part in our IELTS results competition today, and share your IELTS tips when you win!

Learn how to enroll here.

IELTS Band 9 essay, topic: Today’s governments struggle to create enough housing for increasing populations while protecting the environment (opinion)

This is a model response to a Writing Task 2 topic from High Scorer’s Choice IELTS Practice Tests book series (reprinted with permission). This answer is likely to score IELTS Band 9.

Set 2 Academic book, Practice Test 7

Writing Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

One of the major problems that faces today’s governments is creating enough satisfactory housing for their increasing populations whilst still trying to protect the environment.

How can this be achieved? Discuss and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words.


In a world with an ever-growing population, providing housing is one of the crucial tasks of all governments. At the same time, however, the environment has to be protected from too much destruction and deforestation. Different solutions have been created to solve these problems. One significant solution could be increasing the height of buildings.

When looking at the skyline of metropolitan cities, skyscrapers are becoming increasingly visible. The reason for this is simple: housing has to be provided, while the environment should suffer the least amount possible. Decreasing the building footprints of houses and therefore the destruction of environment, while increasing the height, is an effective solution in overcoming this dilemma. This resolution also has its faults though, as increasing height also means that sunlight reaching the streets will decrease and that housing will be built more densely in order to save space.

Another possible solution is to increase building costs to pressure the population into living in smaller areas, which would save space. As this impacts members of the community unevenly depending on their wealth, this would encourage unequal living standards and conflicts as a result of this. Therefore, this is not a plausible solution to the problem.

In my opinion, finding the perfect way to minimise environmental damage while increasing housing is a problem to which there is no simple solution. Many governments are currently relying on height to solve the problem, but this is not attractive to many people. Any solution chosen should be one that causes the fewest problems.

Go here for more IELTS Band 9 Essays