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Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 – How to Describe Pie Charts

In today’s video lesson you will learn a great way to describe pie charts in your Writing Task 1 response. Adam, our former IELTS examiner, will show you step by step how to write a Band 7+ report when you get not one, but two(!) pie charts.

You won’t be just watching – you will be actively learning, brainstorming, thinking, planning and writing! Follow Adam’s lead and by the end of this lesson you will understand exactly how to compare and describe pie charts in a Writing Task 1. You will also learn what NOT to do in your writing task 1 report – which is just as important.

Watch the lesson on YouTube, or below:

Adam doesn’t give you a model response in this lesson, because he would like you to have a go and write your own. But if you’d like to see a Band 9 sample, check out our High Scorer’s Choice IELTS practice tests. This particular topic can be found in Package 2 and we also provide a model response for it, as well as all the other writing tasks.

Enjoy the lesson!

Here is what Oluwasegun did to get IELTS Band 7.5

You may remember Oluwasegun as a winner of our IELTS results competition in November. This remarkable young man from Nigeria got an Overall IELTS band score of 7.5, with Listening 8.5, Reading 7, Writing 7 and Speaking 8.

It didn’t take him long to get back to us with his IELTS Success story. Here is what he did, and his recommendations to you:

Band 8 in IELTS“Thank you for the opportunity, it’s a great privilege.

The book IELTS Success Formula helped me a lot to understand the basic information about all the four skills through the Q&A sessions, and other vital information as well.

I made use of the book Target Band 7 mainly to enhance my Reading and Writing skills as I found out they were the most difficult part of the test for me.

I’ll advise intending test takers to ensure they check the Speaking and Writing Band descriptors. It sort of helped me know to a certain level, the things I need to do and the ones I’d need to avoid, to get the band score I wanted.

Exam tips

1. In Listening, 100% concentration is required as you have to multitask (read, listen and write).

2. In Speaking, maintain a good level of eye contact with the examiner, it helped boost my confidence level.

3. In Writing, stay focused on the task, never write out of scope or context.

4. In Reading, try and work on your vocabulary, it comes in very handy as you’re able to tell the meaning of words used and to also avoid getting trapped when synonyms of certain words are used instead.”