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IELTS test in Nigeria – January 2018 (General Training)

When O took the IELTS test in Nigeria he was asked the following questions in the Writing and Speaking sections:

Writing testIELTS test in Nigeria

Writing task 1 (a letter)

You and your colleagues just came back from a foreign language training. Write a letter to the manager and say

– explain how you and your colleagues enjoyed the training
– suggest more training sessions in the future
– say when and where it should be conducted.

Writing Task 2 (an essay)

The tendency of human beings to copy one another is increasing in popularity. Is this a positive or a negative development? What can be done about it?

Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– How far is your home from this place (the exam venue)?
– How long have you been living there?
– Do you use a dictionary? Why?
– Do you prefer an online dictionary or a printed one? Why?
– Can you tell me about some interesting places in your country?

Cue Card

Talk about a major river in your country. Please say

– Describe the river.
– Where is it located?
– Why is it important for your country?


– What are interesting activities around the river area?
– What do you think about the commercialization of the ocean or rivers?

IELTS test in the UK and Sri Lanka – January 2018 (Academic Module)

Our friends took their IELTS exams in the UK and Sri Lanka, and here is what they remembered:

Writing testIELTS test in the UK

Writing task 1 (a report)

We were given three pie charts showing four types of vehicle crossings over bridges in the UK in 1965, 1985 and 2005. We had to compare the data.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

In many countries senior positions have higher salaries compared to those of young workers of the same company. Some people think this isn’t justified. Do you agree or disagree?

Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– When do people give presents in your culture?
– Do you enjoy selecting gifts for others? Why?
– What was the last gift that you received?
– Who was it from?
– What was the occasion?
– Have you received any gift that you didn’t like?

Cue Card

Describe an activity you enjoy doing with an elder family member. Please say

– What is the activity?
– How often do you do this?
– Why do you enjoy doing this?


– What relationship do the younger and older people have in your culture?
– What does the younger generation think about relationships with their elders?
– Did it change compared to the past?
– How important is it to keep the whole family together?